HOW TO TURN ON YOUR KEYPAD: Press the power button on the lower right hand corner of the device. You will see numbers and a battery meter on your screen and that is how you’ll know your device is on. KEYPAD INSTRUCTIONS
Your Keypad will display Vote Now when polling is open. To cast your vote: Press the number that corresponds with your choice. For example: Press 1 for Yes or Press 2 for No The number you press will appear in keypad display. Double check for accuracy. Use the DEL key as backspace, if necessary. Press SEND to submit your choice. Your keypad will display Sending… Once your vote is received you will receive message back that says COUNTED. If you make a mistake, press a new number and SEND. The system will only take your last entry. YES/NO VOTING
SINGLE SELECTION ELECTION VOTING Your Keypad will display Vote Now when polling is open. To cast your vote: Press the number that corresponds with the candidate you wish to choose. Candidate numbers can be found in the printed materials you received. The number(s) you press will appear in keypad display. Double check for accuracy. Use the DEL key as backspace, if necessary. Press SEND to submit your choice. Your keypad will display Sending… Once your vote is received you will receive message back that says COUNTED. If you make a mistake, press a new number and SEND. The system will only take your last entry. SINGLE SELECTION ELECTION VOTING
MULTIPLE SELECTION ELECTION VOTING Your Keypad will display Vote Now when polling is open. To cast your vote: Press the number that corresponds with the candidate you wish to choose. Candidate numbers can be found in the printed materials you received. The number you select will appear in keypad display. Double check for accuracy. Use the DEL key as backspace, if necessary. Press SEND to submit your choice. Your keypad will display Sending… Followed by the number of choices that Remain. MULTIPLE SELECTION ELECTION VOTING REMAIN: 3 Vote Now Sending… 1_
MULTIPLE SELECTION ELECTION VOTING When your keypad displays the number of choices that REMAIN, enter your next choice followed by SEND. Continue this process until you have made the maximum number of selections you wish to make. The maximum number of candidates you are permitted to choose may change per ballot. It will be displayed on the slide each time. You cannot vote for the same candidate twice. The remaining number on your keypad will not change, as a duplicate vote is not accepted. BALLOT CLOSED will appear when you have made the maximum number of selections allowed. If you enter more than the maximum number of choices allowed your keypad will display BLOCKED. BALLOT CLOSED BLOCKED REMAIN: 3 5_
MULTIPLE SELECTION ELECTION VOTING CHANGING YOUR VOTE If you make a mistake, press 000 followed by SEND to clear ALL votes on the current ballot. Once your remaining number resets, you may begin re-voting.
DEVICE MESSAGES RECAP Vote Now – polling is open KEYPAD INSTRUCTIONS DEVICE MESSAGES RECAP Vote Now – polling is open Sending… – vote is sending Remain: – number of selections that remain Ballot Closed – maximum selections made Blocked – attempt to vote after maximum choices have been entered Counted – vote received on Yes/No votes, Single selection elections x – polling is not open yet or you are ineligible to vote at that time BLOCKED COUNTED BALLOT CLOSED REMAIN: 2 Vote Now X Sending…
Election Voting TIPS: Keep track of who you have voted for during each round as you will only be able to vote for a candidate one time during a round. Keep track of who gets elected because you will not be able to vote for them in the next round!