Tallahassee, Florida Animal Carcass Group Meeting January 27th, 2010 Web Soil Survey Demo Tallahassee, Florida Animal Carcass Group Meeting January 27th, 2010
Prior to beginning the Web SS session: 2 important reference sections:
USDA-NRCS Web Soil Survey Interface
Search Functionality: Can search on any key word (if desired)
Navigation Functionality: Navigation Functionality: By Physical Address, State/County/Survey Area, Lat/Long, PLSS, or Governmental Agency Select dropdown of your choice, click view to zoom to the survey area
Zoom to Location
Use the “Zoom In” tool to close into your Area of Interest Other icons are: Zoom out, Pan, Zoom to Full Extent, Return to Last View, Identify, Measure, AOI
At any point in the process, you can click the “ At any point in the process, you can click the “?” for additional information
Defining your Area of Interest (AOI): Define Area: Either rectangular AOI or by irregular polygon. Maximum size: 10,000 acres
Viewing the Map Legend and designing your map layout Click on Legend Tab. Then, right click on desired feature
Determining Layer Descriptions: Right click on the map legend icon for more information
Printing Options: Map can be printed immediately or assembled into a soil survey publication (add to Shopping Cart which is free)
Soil Data Explorer: Displaying interpretations (Suitabilities or Limitations) Click Down Arrow to expand. Note Composting Interpretations.
Select Interpretation, then Select View Rating
Catastrophic Morality (Large Animal Disposal – Pit): Click on Legend tab to display.
View Options and Advanced Options for Interpretation Ratings flexibility
Table View: Displays Map Unit Summary (including reasons, acres, and percentage)
Interpretation Description: Click on View Description for Interpretation details
Soil Properties and Qualities (Chemical, Physical, Water Features, etc
Depth to Water Table map and table generation is similar to Interpretations
If you only want Water Table data only during the Hurricane Season, tailor the reports by months (for example: June-Nov)
Creating Soil Reports: Click on Soil Reports tab
Setting Layer transparency: Right click on Soil Rating, Select Edit Layer properties
Move the Transparency bar to change the Layer View for your preference.
Changing the background from Aerial Photography to Topographic Map
Shopping Cart Functionality: More than one report can be added.
Customize the Report Layout (Either Select or Deselect Report Table Contents)
Delivery Options: Either obtain the Report now or Download at a later time
A Custom Soil Resource Report is produced in pdf format.
QUESTIONS?? What about creating maps for regional or statewide application? Or Customizing maps and interpretations?
Additional interpretation functionality using Soil Data Viewer as an Add-On in ArcGIS (free)
Why use Soil Data Viewer instead of Web Soil Survey? Same functionality and interpretations as Web Soil Survey, but greater flexibility Once SSURGO (soils) data is downloaded, faster and more dynamic Ability to customize your layout to better meet project requirements (ie. Features not locked down) Can utilize or intersect with other layer resource files (for example, hydrology, geology, land use, parcels) Ability to create thematic maps for projects greater than 10,000 acres for more regional or statewide application Can create new or modify existing interpretations Can use additional ortho-imagery Can set buffer widths (from streams, for example) Intersect with different resource layers Can join attribute table data (to create more dynamic maps) Can link to other soils data and create custom interpretations.
Locked down thematic map for Catastrophic Mortality (Trench)
By joining tables, Customized thematic map illustrating Limitation and Depth to Seasonal High Water Table
Can create and publish reports using the SDV interface
NASIS data “The Man behind the Curtain” Attribute data (Physical and Chemical Properties Interpretation Development Rules Evaluations Properties