Year 1 Phonics screening check
What is the phonics screening check What is the phonics screening check? Children in Year 1 throughout the country will be taking part in the phonics screening check the week beginning 10th June. Children in Year 2 who did not achieve the required result in Year 1 will also resit the test during this week. The phonics screening check is designed to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonics decoding and blending skills to an appropriate standard.
What happens during the test? The screening check contains 40 words. Each child will sit one to one with their teacher and read aloud the words. The children will work through the screening at their own pace. The screening contains a combination of 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. The nonsense or alien words are presented alongside a picture of an alien type creature, children know that these nonsense words are the names of the aliens. This helps the children to understand this is not a word that needs to be added to their vocabulary.
‘Nonsense’ or ‘alien’ words. The check will contain a mix of real and non words (alien nonsense words.) Your child will be told before they begin the phonics screening that they will be reading real and alien words that they may have not seen before. This has been practiced and taught during phonics sessions, so your child will be familiar with the concept. ‘Non words’ are important as they cannot be read using their memory or vocabulary, they have to use their phonic decoding skills.
What skills do the children need to meet the phonics screening check? All children need to be able to identify sounds associated with different letters and letter combinations, as well as blend these sounds together to correctly say the word. The same skill is needed whether the word is a real or nonsense word. The sounds will be a combination of sounds from phase 3 to phase 5. The words gradually get harder throughout the screening. Children will read words with split digraphs as well as real words with alternative sounds in, such as the ‘y’ in the word happy having the pronunciation ‘e’.
Reporting results. By the end of the summer you will receive a report informing you if your child has passed the phonics screening or not. If your child has not met the expected level they will retake the screening check in Year 2.
How can you help your child at home? Read regularly with your child. Practice the sounds with your child. Practice a mix of ‘nonsense’ and real words. Ask your child to draw sound buttons underneath each sound to show they can correctly identify each one. Say the sounds individually and then blend together.
Use apps and websites - Phonics play Forest phonics Teach your monster to read. Alphablocks-cbeebies Geraldine Giraffe – youtube