Wednesday, April 17th HW: Have a good day! Aim: How did the system of apartheid affect South Africans? Do Now: Listen to song It’s Wrong (Apartheid) by Stevie Wonder and write down Wonder’s argument in 1 sentence.
A Brief History of South Africa… South Africa was controlled by the Dutch in the 17th, 18th and 19th century.
After defeating the Dutch in the Boer War (1899-1902) the British formed the Union of South Africa in 1910.
In 1931 South Africa became independent from Britain In 1931 South Africa became independent from Britain. South Africa had a constitutional government that gave whites power and denied the black majority its rights.
In 1948 the National Party (NP) came to power in South Africa In 1948 the National Party (NP) came to power in South Africa. The NP promoted Afrikaner (Dutch South African) nationalism.
The National Party instituted policy of apartheid to guarantee whites would remain in political and economic control of South Africa. Apartheid: A South African policy of complete legal separation of the races, including the banning of all social contacts between blacks and whites. * Segregated schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, and beaches.
In 1959, the South African government set up homelands for the blacks.
Imagine you are a teenage native of South Africa that has been greatly affected by the unfair policy of apartheid. What efforts would you make to help end the policy of apartheid in South Africa?
Protests Sharpeville: Police massacre innocent Africans protesting against a law that required them to carry a passbook that restricted their movement in S. Africa. Soweto: 15,000 students protested against a law that required them to learn in Afrikaans (European) language. Police opened fire on the crowd and killed at least 700.
Steve Biko “Black Consciousness”: led by student Steve Biko, this movement was similar to the Negritude poetic movement of the 1930s because its objective was to make Africans aware of their history, language, and culture. Black consciousness opposed white minority rule. Black consciousness promoted equality between races.
“We are looking forward to a non-racial, just and egalitarian society in which color, creed and race shall form no point of reference.” “The basic tenet of black consciousness is that the black man must reject all systems that seek to make him a foreigner in the country of his birth and reduce his basic human dignity.”
African National Congress and Nelson Mandela The ANC is the majority political party of South Africa. Obviously opposed to apartheid, the ANC organized strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience to try to stop apartheid. As an ANC leader Mandela was “banned” by the government. He later advocated violence to try to end apartheid. He became a political prisoner and was jailed in 1962 where he served as inspiration to many people. In 1990 President F.W. DeKlerk released Mandela and in 1994 voters of all races elected him President.
UN and US Economic Sanctions In the 1980s, the UN imposed an arms and oil embargo (prohibiting trade) on South Africa. Additionally, the US prevented banks from loaning money to South Africa. These actions hurt the South African economy and was a key factor in forcing the minority government to end apartheid. Once apartheid was abolished, the sanctions were ended.