Principles of communication systems Networks and Communication Department NET 352
Instructor Information: Name : May Al Khamis. Office Hours : Monday : from 8:00 to 2:00 Tuesday : from 10:00 to 11:00 Thursday: from 10:00 to 11:00 E-mail : Office : 1.505.23 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Course Syllabus Introduction to Data Communication. Topics to be covered : Introduction to Data Communication. Types of Signals and its Properties. Types of Communications. Transmission Impairments. Transmission Media. Modulation and Encoding Techniques. Data Multiplexing Transmission Types. Error Control. Network Models 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Course References: “Data and Computer Communications” , by William Stalling . (latest edition) “Data Communications and Networking” , by Forouzan. (latest edition) 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Grading : Value Assessment 15 ( 5 paper + 5 HWs + 5 Participation ) Tutorial 5 Quiz 1 Quiz 2 17 Mid 1 Mid 2 40 Final 100 Total 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Course Plan: Date Assessment Week 1 Introduction to Data Communications Week 2 + 3 Types of Signals and its Properties. Week 4 Types of Communications Week 5 Transmission Impairments + quiz 1 Week 6 Transmission Media Week 7 (in Sunday) Mid 1 Week 7 + 8 Modulation and Encoding Techniques Week 9 Break Week 10 Data Multiplexing Week 11 Transmission Types + quiz 2 Week 12 + 13 Error Control Week 13 (in Thursday) Mid 2 Week 14 Network Models Week 15 Revision + Paper Discussion 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
introduction Networks and Communication Department 30-Jun-19
Changes in Networking Technology: Emergence of high-speed LANs Corporate WAN needs Digital Electronics 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Communication Model: 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Data Communications Model : 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Communications Tasks : 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Transmission Line : The basic building block of any communications facility is the transmission line. Required capacity , acceptable reliability , minimum cost 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Transmission Mediums : Two mediums currently driving the evolution of data communications transmission are: 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Networking : Advances in technology have led to greatly increased capacity and the concept of integration, allowing equipment and networks to work simultaneously. 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
LANs and WANs : There are tow board categories of networks: Local Area Network ( LAN ) . Wide Area Network ( WAN ) . 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Wide Area Network (WAN): Span a large geographical area Require the crossing of public right-of-ways Rely in part on common carrier circuits Typically consist of a number of interconnected switching nodes 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Wide Area Network (WAN): Alternative technologies used include: Circuit switching Packet switching Frame relay Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Local Area Network (LAN): Smaller scope, typically a single building . Usually owned by the same organization that owns attached devices . Internal data rates greater than WANs . Most common configurations are switched LANs and wireless LANs . 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
The Internet: Internet evolved from ARPANET Developed to solve the dilemma of communicating across arbitrary, multiple, packet-switched network TCP/IP provides the foundation 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Internet Key Elements: 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department
Metrics Units The main prefixes we use: Use powers of 10 for rates, powers of 2 for storage E.g., 1 Mbps = 1,000,000 bps, 1 KB = 1024 bytes “B” is for bytes, “b” is for bits 30-Jun-19 Networks and Communication Department