Yuki Honda (Co-chair of OPAG-DPFS, Japan)


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Presentation transcript:

Yuki Honda (Co-chair of OPAG-DPFS, Japan) Session IV Item IV.1 - Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) Technical Regulations Yuki Honda (Co-chair of OPAG-DPFS, Japan) Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) Technical Conference 2018 (Geneva, 26-29 March 2018)

Outline Current status of the revised Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No.485) Issues Issue 4(1)/1 - Update on Renewal of Guide to the GDPFS Issue 4(2)/2 – Implementation of new GDPFS Manual (WMO-No.485)

Publication of the revised Manual The revised Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No.485) was endorsed at EC-69(2017) with the main amendment below: (1) The change of the activity name for volcano watch services for international air navigation, (2) Establishment of GPC for annual to decadal climate prediction (ADCP) and LC-ADCP The 2017 edition of the Manual on GDPFS was published in the WMO Library website on 16 Feb 2018 and will be in force 9 month after, i.e. in November 2018, as per Regulation 127 of the General Regulations (2015 edition).

New designated Centres Global Producing Centre for Long-range Forecasts (GPCLRF) Offenbach (RA VI) RSMC Beijing for Atmospheric Sandstorm and Duststorm Forecasts (ASDF) (RA II) Regional Climate Centre (RCC) RCC Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) hosted by the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (RA I); RCC-Network Northern Africa (RA I); RCC Pune (RA II); RCC-Network Southern South America (RA III); RCC Caribbean hosted by the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (RA IV);

New designated Centres World Meteorological Centres (WMCs) WMC Beijing WMC Exeter WMC ECMWF WMC Montreal WMC Tokyo RSMCs for Limited-area Deterministic Weather Prediction RSMC Khabarovsk RSMC Moscow RSMC Novosibirsk RSMC Offenbach RSMC Pretoria RSMC Rome

New designated Centres RSMCs for Limited-area Ensemble Numerical Prediction RSMC Offenbach RSMC Rome RSMCs for Nowcasting RSMC Tokyo RSMCs for Volcano Watch Services for International Air Navigation Lead Centre for Coordination of Annual to Decadal Climate Prediction (LC-ADCP) LC-ADCP Exeter

Resolution 18 (EC-69) REVISED MANUAL ON THE GDPFS (WMO-No. 485) The Executive Council requests CBS: To revise the Guide on the Global Data-processing System (WMO-No. 305) to ensure the necessary alignment with and provide further guidance to Members for the implementation of the revised Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System; To develop performance requirements for monitoring GDPFS Centres for inclusion in the Manual on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System and the Guide on the Global Data-processing System;

Update on Renewal of Guide to the GDPFS Issue 4(1)/1 Update on Renewal of Guide to the GDPFS References Guide to the GDPS (WMO- No. 305) Background EC-69 requested that the Guide to the GDPS (WMO- No. 305) be renewed by CBS. In support of this, a Task Team has been initiated through CBS/ICT-DPFS to develop a new Guide. The Task Team is drafting a structure designed to support sustainable updates of the renewed Guide. Rationale Executive Council should hear some progress report on the Guide, noting that it is desirable that a direction (slimmer, sustainable) for the renewed Guide be signalled prior to presentation of the final draft, which by its nature would be expected to omit much material found in the current Guide. Advice for CBS-MG What By whom Deadline Note progress on Renewal of Guide, and make any suggestions on suggested Table of Contents. MG 29 March 2018 Advice on rec. to EC and Congress To whom Time frame Advise, for noting, progress on Renewal of Guide, and anticipated time-frame. Suggested text is in Appendix 2. EC-70 Apr 2018

Renewal of the Guide The new Guide must be designed in a way that it can be maintained and sustainably updated. The revised Guide should focus on areas where the text of the Manual requires additional advice or elaboration and practical guidance can be given, such as in relation to the operation of national GDPFS Centres. An initial draft of a Table of Contents has been prepared, and will be refined together with consideration of options for online presentation of some dynamic content. Subject to resourcing, it is anticipated that the Renewed Guide would be ready for consideration at EC-72 (2020). The last updates to the 204-page Guide occurred during the 1990s. The revised Guide should not seek to be a comprehensive description of all aspects of the GDPFS

Draft Table of Contents of revision of the Guide on the GDPFS (WMO-No PART I. ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES  The vision of the GDPFS (Note: this section will seek to capture the articulated vision of the seamless GDPFS from relevant discussions and documents, in a way that assists the promotion of the GDPFS to the wider community) Guiding principles of the GDPFS (Note: the section will articulate foundational principles of the GDPFS that are not necessarily explained in the Manual to those less famililar with the GDPFS). Organization of the GDPFS Compliance with required GDPFS functions Summary of required or recommended competencies for undertaking GDPFS functions Alignment with related WIS functions Alignment with related WIGOS functions Interaction among GDPFS centres Implementation of GDPFS, including interactions among technical commissions and programmes Summary of relevant Guidelines (further detail to be given in Part IV).

Draft Table of Contents of revision of the Guide on the GDPFS (WMO-No PART II. ACTIVITIES SUPPORTED BY THE GDPFS 2.1 General (Note: this section will expand on the concise functional descriptions given in the Manual but to the extent possible without repeating Manual text. The language will still be kept simple and concise to ensure ease of translation) 2.2 Functional architecture of GDPFS 2.3 Roles in and review of activities supported by the GDPFS 2.3.1 General purpose activities 2.3.2 Specialized activities 2.3.3 Non-real time coordination activities 2.4 Functional requirements of a GDPFS centre (Note: this includes 24/7, connection to WIS, back-up procedures, etc.)

Draft Table of Contents of revision of the Guide on the GDPFS (WMO-No PART III. DESIGNATION PROCEDURES FOR GDPFS CENTRES 3.1 General 3.2 Procedure for a World Meteorological Centre (Note: To include background, a service offer by a Member for potential WMC, demonstration of capabilities, designated WMCs) 3.3 Procedure for a Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (Note: To include background, service offer by a Member for potential RSMC, demonstration of capabilities, designated RSMCs) 3.4 Rolling review of GDPFS centres (Note: references to detailed procedures will appear in Part IV)

Draft Table of Contents of revision of the Guide on the GDPFS (WMO-No PART IV. GUIDELINES AND FURTHER READING 4.1 General 4.2 WMO Guidance (Note: this section will draw the reader's attention to other WMO guidance essential for understanding the seamless GDPFS within the context of the greater whole, including relevant Guides and Guidance notes already extant and as they are further developed. Subjects covered might include quality control of incoming observations, data collection and product dissemination, including standards and specifications, procedures and formats for the exchange of data and products aligned with WIS technical specifications, data-processing, including long-term storage of data and products, verification, the audit process, training, and reporting.) 4.3 Other references

Text for Pres Report to EC-70 PROGRESS ON RENEWAL OF THE GUIDE TO THE GDPFS EC-69 requested that the Guide to the GDPFS (WMO- No. 305) be renewed by CBS. In support of this, a Task Team has been initiated through CBS/ICT-DPFS to develop a new Guide. In discussions, it has been noted that the last updates to the 204-page Guide occurred during the 1990s, and the new Guide must be designed in a way that it can be maintained and sustainably updated. A draft of a Table of Contents for a more modest Guide has been prepared, and will be refined together with consideration of options for online presentation of relevant content. It is anticipated that the Renewed Guide would be ready for consideration at EC-72 (2020).

Resolution 18 (EC-69) – Revised Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No.485) Issue 4(1)/2 Implementation of new GDPFS Manual (WMO-No.485) and, if necessary, some GDPFS activities at national levels could be regulated in the Manual References Recommendation 3 (CBS-Ext.(2014)) – Introduction of the new Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No.485) Resolution 12 (Cg-17) - Report of the extraordinary session (2014) of the Commission for Basic Systems concerning the introduction of the new Manual on the GDPFS (WMO-No. 485) Resolution 18 (EC-69) – Revised Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No.485) Background The purpose of the revision of the Manual was to make GDPFS be a part of WMO QMS. The Manual was revised thoroughly and now describe the mandatory functions and the list of minimum products of GDPFS Centres clearly. After the endorsement by EC at EC-69, it was published in February 2018 and will be in force in October 2018. The transition from the old Manual to the revised Manual should be completed by Cg-18 (2019) and the denomination of RSMC with geographical specialization be maintained until then. JCOMM adopted at its 5th Session (Geneva, Switzerland; October 2017) the draft Recommendation 9.5 (2)/1 (JCOMM-5) regarding Criteria for, and designation of, marine-related GDPFS centres. CHy adopted at its 15th Session (Rome, Italy; December 2016) the Resolution 7 (CHy-15) regarding the contribution of CHy to the future integrated and seamless WMO DPFS and requested to develop a proposal of a comprehensive structure for hydrology within the new seamless Data-processing and Forecasting System.   The revised Manual on GDPFS offers opportunities for new centres to be designated: From the traditional 3 World Meteorological Centres (WMCs), EC-69 has endorsed the designation of additional 5 new WMCs which has brought the total number of WMCs to 8. There may be a requirement for coordination of activities among these WMO flagship Centres.

New Centres will be designated including those proposed by JCOMM. Rationale It is necessary to address the proposal from JCOMM and CHy. JCOMM proposal included the proposed amendment of the revised Manual. CHy proposed a new GDPFS structure in hydrology to be included in the revised Manual in future. New Centres will be designated including those proposed by JCOMM. RSMC with geographical specialization is discontinued. The mapping of the existing RSMCs with geographical specialization should be completed by Cg-18. The results of mapping will be reported. To ensure the GDPFS be part of WMO QMS, a regular audit of GDPFS Centres’ compliance is planned to start in near future. The audit procedure will be introduced. New regulations for national meteorological centres might be added if they are newly identified while the Guide is being reviewed and revised. LDCs and SIDs would benefit from a concerted effort of WMCs to help them with the delivery of high quality hydro-meteorological services for the socio-economic benefit of their population.

Amendment proposed by JCOMM JCOMM adopted at its 5th Session (Bali, Indonesia; October 2017) the draft Recommendation 9.5 (2)/1 (JCOMM-5) regarding Criteria for, and designation of, marine-related GDPFS centres. JCOMM recommended to EC: The adoption of amendment to the revised Manual concerning marine meteorological services and marine environmental emergencies; The formal designation of RSMC ECMWF for coordination of wave forecast verification, and of all METAREA Issuing Services and Preparatory Services as RSMCs for marine meteorological services and contributing centres, respectively; and The formal designation of the Meteorological Service of Canada, Météo-France and the Japan Meteorological Agency as RSMCs for numerical ocean wave prediction, and of other Services that satisfy the requirements, including the contribution to the operational wave forecast verification that express interest and formal commitment, as RSMCs for numerical ocean wave prediction;

Possible Amendment related to JCOMM At its 5th Session (JCOMM-5)JCOMM didn’t reestablish Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems (ETWCH), which is supposed to be responsible for managing the information on RSMCs for numerical ocean wave prediction and for coordination of wave forecast verification. When the new structure of JCOMM is endorsed by EC, it is also necessary to replace it with an appropriate expert team of JCOMM in the revised Manual. A set of new monitoring criteria was proposed and adopted at the 7th meeting of JCOMM Ship Observation Team (SOT) (Victoria, Canada; April 2013). But the monitoring criteria of observation data which are explicitly described in Appendix 2.1.2 of the revised Manual, are NOT updated yet.

New GDPFS Centre for Hydrological Services proposed by CHy The Commission for Hydrology adopted at its 15th Session (Rome, Italy; December 2016) the Resolution 7 (CHy-15) regarding the contribution of CHy to the future integrated and seamless WMO DPFS and requested to develop a proposal of a comprehensive structure for hydrology within the new seamless Data-processing and Forecasting System. The proposed GDPFS structure for hydrology consisted of national hydrological centre (NHC) and RSMC for specialized activity of hydrological analysis and forecasting, known as Hydrological Analysis and Forecasting Centre (HAFC).

Status of GDPFS Centre Designation The current designated Centres are listed in Part III of the Manual. Some of existing WMCs and RSMCs with activity specialization haven’t completed mapping yet. The denomination of RSMC with geographical specialization be maintained until Cg-18 (2019), and that the RSMCs with geographical specialization that have not confirmed the mapping of their centres retain that status until then.

Technical Review of candidate RSMCs WMC, RSMC for global deterministic/ensemble NWP Germany* RSMC for regional severe weather forecasting New Zealand, South Africa, China*, Japan*, Germany* RSMC for nuclear ERA, non-nuclear ERA France, Germany (being reviewed)

Rolling review of GDPFS centres The purpose of the revision of the Manual was to make GDPFS be a part of WMO QMS. To ensure this, a regular audit of GDPFS Centres’ compliance is planned to start in near future. At EC-69, EC Requests the Secretary-General and CBS to arrange for and maintain a rolling review of GDPFS Centres. An audit process will be developed and introduced by Cg-18. This process should be consistent with a common audit procedure, which is being developed by ET-CAC.

WMC Workshop 5 WMCs were newly designated under the revised Manual. Total is 8 WMCs. Beijing, ECMWF, Exeter, Melbourne, Montreal, Moscow, Tokyo, Washington, (DWD) LDCs and SIDs would benefit from a concerted effort of WMCs to help them with the delivery of high quality hydro-meteorological services for the socio-economic benefit of their population. The organization of WMCs workshop is proposed to share expertise, discuss contingency plans and special assistance to WMO Members in particular LDCs and SIDs.

Thank you Merci