III. Culture and Religion in Southeastern Asia
A religious group is a group of people who share common religious beliefs. The largest religious group in America is the Christians group, who believe in one God.
Tokyo, Japan (37,126,000) 2. Jakarta, Indonesia (26,063,000) 3. Seoul, South Korea (22,547,000) 4. Delhi, India (22,242,000) 5. Shanghai, China (20,860,000) An ethnic group is a group of people who share a similar language and culture.
In many cases, an ethnic group is made up of members of the same race.
1) Buddhism: based on the teachings of Buddha 4 Noble Truths Holy book: the Tripitaka Buddhist heaven is called Nirvana Belief in reincarnation
Buddha: Wise man who lived in India at the foot of the Himalayan Mountains Lived 5th Century B.C. “Buddha” means “enlightened one.”
The story of Buddha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3gK4VO9roE
2) Hinduism Belief in many gods & goddesses Main gods: Vishnu and Shiva Each person has karma (good or bad behavior energy) * live by a caste system (high-class and low-class people)
The Main Hindu Gods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9NfBtm_aLk
3) Islam Based on teachings of Muhammad God is Allah Holy book: Quran
The Five Pillars of Islam: 1) proclaim Allah as God 2) pray 5 times a day 3) fast during holy days 4) give money to the poor 5) visit Mecca, the holy city, at least once
4) Shintoism Shinto: only in Japan Respect nature and life Physical purity: very important Ancestor worship
Shinto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgQ4eCc38dM
5) Confucianism * China Based on the teachings of Confucius Every person accepts their place in the world Respect leaders and rulers Family relations: most important
Confucius was a very wise man who lived centuries ago.
“Confucius say:” “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”
Confusionism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYQ1hcpUedU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDHRHBxONlo&index=6&list=PLrVsIKEiuQ3C3LhMGzDtJpz5NZl-Q2ePa