Geographic Search & Display Updates & Development Plans Leila Gonzales American Geosciences Institute
Updates since VuFind 3.1 Configuration Settings Geographic Searching Check for poorly formed coordinate sets when indexing (PR-964, PR-998, PR-1034) Update coordinate field names, add dynamic fields (PR-996) Upgrade from OL3.x to OL4.2.0 (PR-1012) Geographic Searching Change search box to a click-drag functionality (PR-1013)
Updates since VuFind 3.1 Geographic Display Display rectangles across the dateline (PR-964) Close pop-ups when zooming/panning (PR-997) Configurable option for displaying a graticule (lat/long grid) (PR-1014)
Development Planning Move to a lightweight platform (Leaflet)
Development Planning Refactor & modularize Make code into a smaller set of classes that can be configured to turn on/off for different functionality Increase configurable options Improve search result clustering / geo display multiple coordinates for a record - point, city, county, state, country scale to specific coordinate level based on map extent
Geographic Indexing Stick with points and bounding boxes as coordinate features…for now… Pros –don’t need to install JTS Topology suite Cons – can’t store complex polygon data Investigate JTS Topology suite as possible option to allow for polygon storage and query How easy is it to install & configure? Improve error trapping by dumping errors to csv log file and notifying user at end of indexing.
Geographic Indexing Generate coordinates from bibliographic data Start with field 653a, but could extend to include title and description fields. Generate coordinates from full-text data Examine frequency of places mentioned in full-text Issues to consider: Misspelled place names Creation of duplicate and similar (almost duplicate) coordinates Place names indicating publisher
Geographic Indexing Improve existing error trapping by dumping errors to log file and notifying user at end of indexing run. Create log file for errors / questions when creating geographic coordinates from metadata. Have some way for users to verify data… maybe as simple as updating record to include suggested coordinate data?
Geographic Searching Configurable options Search Result clustering Location of Geographic Search UI Search tool options (box, circle, freeform polygon) To display or not to display: geo-search results Search Result clustering Hover-over cluster and display center points of records included in cluster Display coordinate set for record based on map extent. (i.e., point, city, county, state, country)
Geographic Display- Map Tab “More Like This” / “Similar Items” Display similar items in different color from record’s geo-features Pop-up would show title of geo-feature with link to that feature (like existing search results clusters)