Holiday Homework- Willow Class May Half Term Holiday Write a story from why not choose the image that is set for the date of your birthday? Read a whole book, from cover to cover and do a book review Write a poem full of similes about anything of your choice. Go to the library and borrow a book all about the rainforest. Do TT Rockstars. Take time to relax and do something that you enjoy doing. Using the Year 4 common exception words in the back of your reading diary, practise your spellings. We’ll be having a spelling test on these words in the next half term. Write me a letter telling me everything that you have done during your holiday. Set up an experiment at home to test how quickly water will evaporate in different temperatures. Have a go at adding these fractions: a) 3/5 + 2/5 b) 5/8 + 6/8 c) 9/12 + 5/12 d) 4/13 + 9/13 e) 18/21 + 4/21 f) 12/15 + 4/15 + 7/15 Can you convert any improper fractions into mixed number fractions? You need to tick off the ones that you’ve completed and return this sheet on Thursday 13th June. Thank you for all your hard work this half term, I’m very excited about the next part of our summer term. Holiday Homework- Willow Class Firstly, thank you for all your hard work this term. You have made me very proud and I hope your are all pleased with you individual achievements. I hope you have a lovely, well earned Easter break. Please complete at least five of the following Easter tasks for your holiday homework. I’m sorry that we didn’t have an opportunity to make your headphone this week but we will make them once we have returned to school.