BNSSG STP Apprenticeships Advanced Clinical Practitioner procurement
BNSSG STP Apprenticeship Sub-Group A background Procure joint apprenticeships Support STP goals Encourage partnership working Maximise levy spend on apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Procurement - journey overview Expressions of interest Strategic Workforce Planning (organisation and STP wide) Formation of procurement group Write tender template – first draft Suggested 2 week review Suggested 3/4 week tender period through appointed DPS Tender template – final version Score bids Hold clarification meetings with bidders Award business!
Apprenticeship Post-Procurement - journey overview Award business NB – particularly relevant for joint STP cohorts where STP oversight is required Set up project board with training provider and key organisation reps Agree ToR, frequency of governance meetings, first cohort start Promote and recruit jointly with training provider for first cohort Agreed registration process First cohort starts!
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Pre-procurement STP goal to ‘significantly increase capability and capacity in advanced practice skills’ – rationale for procurement Scoping exercise within organisations – approximate numbers, possible job roles etc – time consuming! Preliminary conversations with universities
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Procurement Decision made to go to procurement – request for firm expressions of interest and approximate numbers Tender drafted by those organisations interested, ensuring representation of all sectors (primary, community, acute) Ensuring no conflicts of interest during the procurement process – no further conversations with HEIs
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Procurement Tender approved and then circulated for 2 week ‘reflection period’ – confidential document, no sharing Final approved tender sent to procurement via Salisbury DPS for 3-4 week period Scored bids returned and circulated for pre-reading – confidential documents, no sharing Tenders scored and bidder clarification meetings held (dates pre-arranged at tender writing process and bidders advised by Salisbury DPS of clarification dates) – BNSSG ACP business awarded to UWE
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Post award of business Initial contact made with UWE and Project Board established ToRs agreed and regular meetings set up to manage relationship and have oversight of programme (independent of individual contracts between employers and HEI) Agreement of first cohort date and steps to launch this Agreement of course details and likely recruitment process
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Promotion and recruitment Joint UWE and BNSSG promotion days set up across BNSSG region – advertised through organisations UWE ran information presentations and Q&A sessions – very popular and very successful model Registration done post-promotion through organisations and coordinated by STP Project Manager Registration and APEL process currently underway First cohort starts on May 7th – 35 candidates undergoing registration, including 6 from another STP
Advanced Clinical Practitioner Lessons learnt Better workforce planning from early stages to ensure organisations are ready to take apprentices for first cohort – better links between procurement team and service leads required – potential requirement for business cases to fund ACP roles within organisations Clarification on what the ACP role is – CPD versus new role – and how this fits with STP goals More time for promotion and recruitment to allow all organisations to be prepared
Thank you – any questions?
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