Science- simple electric circuits


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Presentation transcript:

Science- simple electric circuits Tasc- To make a light on the moon landing vehicle. Pupils should be taught to- Identify common appliances that run on electricity. Construct a simple series electrical circuit. Identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and lamps. Identify whether or not alamp will light in a simple series circuit. Additional information To know which appliances run on electricity, mains or battery. To be safe around electricity. To introduce and name electrical equipment and its purpose. To know that a circuit has to be complete to work so the current can go round. To make circuit and use in their moon landing vehicle. D.T. - Moving vehicles Tasc- Create own moon rover. Pupils should be taught to- Design purposeful, functional appealing products for themselves and others to use based on design criteria. Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock ups and where appropriate ICT. Make Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks. Select and use a wide range of materials and components including construction materials. Evaluate Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria. Technical knowledge Explore and use mechanisms Additional Information Look at a range of moon landing vehicles and investigate. Look at a variety of axles, chassis and wheels. Explore different materials and joining techniques. Design own moon landing vehicle Make vehicle and evaluate. PE – Dance –Bob man on moon book Perform dances using simple movement patterns. to explore space on the spot and travelling in different directions. Forwards/backwards and side ways. Consolidate contrasting movement qualities e.g. strong with light fast with slow e.g. floating, stamping. Additional information To use Man on the moon to create a dance from the book. P.E. - Gym Master basic movements including running jumping, throwing and catching as well as develop balance, agility and co-ordination and begin to apply these in a range of activities. To perform the basic actions and apply key safety principles. To perform the basic actions with individuality. P.E. - Games Participate in team games develop simple tactics for defending and attacking. To play safely with a partner using a range of equipment. To make up a travelling game with a partner using a small ball. Space Autumn 2 2016 RE-Who is Jewish and what do they believe? Computing Coding Tasc-Can I write my own algorithm and debug the algorithm? We will be using Scratch to write simple algorithms and debug these. We will use bee-bots to input algorithms to make them follow a set of instructions. English Non chronological report- write a report about space (3 weeks) Fiction- stories by same author.e.g aliens loves underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort, Dr Xargles earthlets by Tony Ross. (3 weeks) Poetry patterns on a page, shape poems in style of stars and rockets (2week) History TASC- To explain about Neil Armstrong and the moon landings in a variety of ways, e.g. book, display, ipad, drama. Pupils should be aught about The life's of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Additional Information To investigate the life of Neil Armstrong. To watch the moon landing. To look at space travel in the past. To investigate the importance of moon landings. To look at how space travel has impacted our life from space travel. To look at space travel in the future. PSHE . Go-Givers More than one friend- This story addresses the issues of loyalty and jealousy in friendships. Christmas with the go-givers.-we’ll be discussing our most valuable non material gifts. We will be making a wish /prayer tree. Maths Counting, multipication and sorting Statistics. Fractions, capacity and volume. Money Time Problem solving using day to day situations.