Members: Zenab, Venus, Irla AP Bio, Pd. 7&8


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Presentation transcript:

Members: Zenab, Venus, Irla AP Bio, Pd. 7&8 Cancer Members: Zenab, Venus, Irla AP Bio, Pd. 7&8

What is Cancer? Cancer is defined as abnormal growth of cells. Normal Cells: normal cell reproduction and division via mitosis, except sex cells Signaling works to tell the cell when to divide and stop division Apoptosis and disposed of by white blood cells if damaged or diseased Cancer Cells: uncontrollable division based upon gene or chromosome mutations or outside factors Lose ability to communicate via chemical signals with other cells Mutations that hinder gene checking mechanisms that allow for apoptosis

Tumors Abnormal growth of tissues in the body Two types: Benign: NOT cancerous Don’t metastasize Malignant: ARE cancerous Can metastasize relatively fast

Benign vs. Malignant

What is the difference between a benign and malignant tumor? 20 seconds to write down/discuss answer

What causes cancer? Mutations Age Lifestyle and habits Family history Environment Health conditions Exposure to harmful chemicals

Cancer and Cell Division

Describe the G1, G2, and S phases. What is the G0 phase? 40 seconds to answer

Question to Answer Which of the following describes the cell activity during the G1 phase of the cell cycle? the cell undergoes mitosis the cell is in a resting phase DNA is replicated the cell increases in size and produces new organelles

Checkpoints of the cell cycle Major checkpoints: G1 phase checkpoint G2 phase checkpoint M phase checkpoint Times during which molecular signals either tell cell to stop or continue dividing They are a part of the cell cycle control system

Proto-oncogenes Stimulates cell division Ensures stopping at checkpoints appropriately Mutated version: oncogenes Oncogenes is always turned “on”, leads to uncontrollable cell growth

Tumor Suppressor Genes Brakes for the G1 cycle of cell division, slows it down before S phase Mutated: disable the normal brake mechanism, therefore causing excessive cell division Turned “off” p53: regulates cell division and apoptosis

How are proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes contrasted? 30 seconds to discuss/write down answer

DNA Repair Genes Correct errors that occur during DNA replication Active throughout the cell cycle, G2 in particular Mutated form leads to failure in reparation Accumulation of mutations leads to uncontrollable cell division Overwhelming damage leads to inability of reparation BRCA1 and BRCA2

Means of treatment Screening Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy CRISPR (possibly?) Future

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