Natsuki Aka Okinawa International University Japan Reading performance of Japanese high school learners following a one-year extensive reading program Natsuki Aka Okinawa International University Japan Aka, N. (2018) Reading performance of Japanese high school learners following a one-year extensive reading program, Reading in a Foreign Language 31(1), 1-18. Available:
Grammar vs Extensive Reading Traditional Group Experimental Group Total Hours 180 Reading 90 Grammar 60 ER Listening 30
In 2014, the control group (n = 205) had six English classes a week, three hours of intensive reading classes, two hours of grammar classes, and one hour of listening class, while in 2015, an extensive reading program was introduced in place of grammar classes. The experimental group (n = 200) took the same number of hours of English classes, but the instruction consisted of three hours of intensive reading classes, two hours of extensive reading classes, and one hour of listening class. That is, the two groups differed solely according to whether they had 60 hours of grammar instruction or extensive reading instruction over the course of one year.
Pre-test scores Post-test Scores