As a student, who can you turn to when you need help?
As a student… Maybe ~ you have it made in the shade… Maybe ~ You’re juggling a lot of things… Or maybe ~ something is really bugging you? The interactive aspects of the presentation are in two forms. Each slide has an audio clip ready to be played. Additionally, each slide has a blue advance button on the bottom right.
Just know there is someone who is ready to listen and cares about you ~
Who is a trained person that works at school and is ready to help?
At school this person is known as the ~ School Counselor ~
School Counselors help students with their ~ Academics Career Preparations Personal & Social skills
______ ______ ______ Counselors help students identify their Abilities Interests Talents ______ ______ ______ Personal Goals & Future Plans
School Counselors help those who have made poor choices ~ School Counseling School Counselors…
School Counselors help those who want to harm themselves or others ~
help students succeed ~ School Counselors help students succeed ~ In Academics In Work And in Life
In Conclusion School Counselors help students find their mojo ~ Dance