Your staff are your brand Mike Pounsford


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Presentation transcript:

Your staff are your brand Mike Pounsford What is engagement Why is it important How do you drive it – pragmatic tools including measures Lessons

“I choose to perform”

“I choose to perform” HEAD HEART HANDS Engaged “I know what I have to do” “I feel valued” “I know where we are going”

Why does it matter? UK Government sponsored Engage for Success movement

What drives engagement? Leadership Narrative, purpose, line of sight, tough and tender Engaging managers Clear direction, facilitate and empower, respect, recognition, development Voice Peoples’ opinions count Integrity Say and do Source: MacLeod Review

Creating great Places where people Orbit ambition To build brighter futures for people and communities Orbit objectives Creating great Customer service by: Becoming top quartile in key indicators Being passionate about understanding our customers needs Treating every customer as an individual Exceeding our customers expectations Creating great Places where people want to live by: Creating places where people want to live Offering a wide range of choice Providing an innovative approach to the development of new neighbourhoods Being a great Organisation where we: Run things well Provide a great place to work Have sound finances Deliver value for money Live our values Have a strong external reputation Orbit values: Innovation, Excellence, Partnership, Honesty, Respect 6

The Orbit story

Group Executive Group Leadership Staff workshops Home Metaphor Staff journey and residents missing history bits SWHA – OHA – OHE - HOEC Left hand side good place to start right hand side is fragmented with no direction We are investing X million in communities We have X extra care services We have an award winning reward scheme for customers and residents Too busy To literal, should be more graphical eg add 3 stars Where are we going after 2013? No route map to achieving our tangible great ambitions – all lumped in to one Doesn’t define this as specifically Orbit Savings – VFM defined perhaps pound signs? No outcome defined Church should perhaps go – don’t reflect other cultures and religions Residents are at the heart of making decisions – shaping services Where are the values, priorities and objectives? Need to be more outwards looking - where are our partners? This picture is very middle English quaint village – not exactly representative of our communities Where are the tangibles – customer satisfaction is x% IIP Accreditation We are recognised as 3 star organisation Where are the first choice development partner – eco homes are provided – many customers housed – new homes built. We deliver top quar5tile performance in key performance areas? Happy customers - Happy staff Need to define organisation as great including building with \IIP – top 100 companies Current picture only shows Orbit in history – where are we in the future? Range of generations and inter generation activities Worklessness agenda Performance Clearer about who our customers are More words Demonstrate a journey beyond 2013 please Overall journey good to great Orbit Homes 2009 More on customers and place OHoE Transformation of call centre – external customers – expansions of services Employer of choice Going to Orbit! What are our foundations CPO Customer scrutiny and local standards Selling off services and shared services Happy people/ happy customers Employee engagement A transformation old fashioned – too futuristic? Needs some visual to rep this for customers and staff Customers first treating customers as individuals Exceeding expectations Diversity of people (E&D) Young people ethnicity/durability, ect Sector Leaders Customer satisfaction 121 communication with Orbit staff Orbit can point to successes we have made Customer designing our services Joint estate inspections Customers accessing suppliers Real people into cartoon? Business growth - shared services -external customers Engaging with our customers? IIP Orbit services fit? Partnership and support to OUS – this is missing You Matter – reference for staff Financial Inclusion Agenda Credit Union addressing fuel poverty Sustainability – Green agenda Staff Reps? Great Employer Group Leadership Staff workshops

Measures Before After I understand the business strategy 54 82 Confident advocating purpose Confident advocating policies Before After I understand the business strategy 54 82 I feel that the business has an exciting future 43 68 I see how we need to change the way we work 64 81 I understand our customers’ expectations 79 92 Understand how my work contributes Performance Impact 9

Lessons “People will support what they help to create” “People do not resist change, they resist being changed” Leaders need to be curious about their people Valuing people means listening to them Simple tools are powerful Leaders need to make meaning Explain the rationale and the benefits of a strong reputation Aid conversations between leadership, managers and staff Evaluate and track the impact of change

Contact Us T +44 (0) 1732 78 3525 M +44 (0) 7860 196 343 F +44 (0) 0732 363 636 E W Michael Pounsford Couravel Limited Riverside House River Lawn Road Tonbridge Kent, TN9 1EP 11 11