Crop Protection Compendium Instruction Manual A self-teaching and reference tool 2. Creating species lists and Advanced Datasheet Search Created in support of CABI’s Action on Invasives Programme
This manual was produced as part of Action on Invasives, CABI’s growing programme to strengthen and co-ordinate the national and regional management of invasive species, which will help to reverse a threat that has an estimated annual economic impact of more than US$1.4 trillion worldwide. Cover Picture: Adults of Phenacoccus manihoti (cassava mealybug) . Copyright: Georg Goergen/IITA Insect Museum, Cotonou, Benin
The aims of the second part of this training manual are to: Take another look at datasheets as a source of useful lists Use the ‘filters’ for further refining lists of results Introduce Advanced Searching for datasheets in the Compendium Show how the Compendium Advanced Search can be used for creating useful species lists Introduce the Compendium “Expert Searching" Demonstrate some of the other resources available in the Compendium In this self-learning slide show manual there are notes relating to each slide. It should be possible to follow this teaching tool without reading the notes. However, the notes give a little more information regarding the activities illustrated in the slides and about the Compendium in general. They would also be useful to anyone using this slide series as a visual aid in demonstrating to others.
Useful lists on Datasheets Crop datasheets List of pests and diseases Natural Enemy datasheets List of species for which it is a Natural enemy One of the advantages of the relational nature of the database of datasheets in the Crop Protection Compendium (CPC) is the way in which it enables lists to be created of species associated with other datasheets. For example, Crop and Host Plant datasheets have a list of pests, diseases and weeds that affect or infect them. The list of pest for the crop, tomato, is shown above. Datasheets on Natural Enemy species have list of pests with which the species is associated as a predator, parasite or pathogen ‘Natural enemy of’:.
Useful lists on Datasheets Datasheets for Pests have lists of hosts plants. The hosts may be classified as ‘Main’, ‘Other’ or ‘Wild’. ‘Unknown’ may be used where the plant host gas bit been categorized. The category ‘Habitat’ is used when a plant provides habitat for a pest but is not attacked by it. Pest datasheets; e.g., Bactrocera latifrons (Solanum fruit fly) Host Plants and other Plants Affected
Useful lists on Datasheets Country datasheets List of pests with distribution data Country datasheets have lists of pests with linked distribution data. Note that the distribution data output includes information on taxonomy, distribution status (present, absent, etc.), origin, invasiveness, ‘last reported’ dates and references for each pest. It is also possible to download the list of pests into an Excel worksheet as a .csv file for further manipulation to assist in creating better representative national (or sub-national) lists of the types of occurrences desired by the user.
Filtered searching: Refine Results Geographical Location: Filters results to only show records that refer to particular geographic regions On the right side of the results page there is a refine results panel to allow you to narrow results further according to content types and indexing keywords. For general site searches across the site the refine panel is split into three sections: Refine Results Datasheet Filter Abstract Filter Results can be filtered by Geographical Location and Item Type within the Refine Results panel Item Type: Filter results to display particular material/content types
Filtered searching: Datasheet Filter Datasheet Status: Filter results to show either Full or Basic datasheets Datasheet Type: Filter results to show particular datasheet types. See the results on the following page The Datasheet filters can be used to restrict search results to: Full/Basic datasheets Selected Datasheet types; Pest, Crop, Host Plant, etc. Selected Taxonomic groups by; Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Subphylum, or Class In this instance, ‘tomato’ was used as the search term. Taxonomic categories: Domain Kingdom Phylum Sub-phylum Class
Using ‘Datasheet Type’ filter 1 2 3 4 The results filter links in the right hand menus, next to the search results, enable filtering of searches, and can be used to explore the whole content of the Compendium. For example, to make a list of all weeds covered in detail… Click on ‘Datasheets’ in the content selector menu Click on ‘Full’ in the Datasheet status filter Click on ‘Pest’ in the Datasheet type filter – this will remove plants that are only labelled as crops or host plants Click on ‘Plantae’ in the Kingdom filter Export a .csv file listing all plants indicated as ‘Pests’ (weeds and invasive plants) and covered in detail in the Compendium 5
Advanced search options for searching datasheets In Part 1 of this Crop Protection Compendium instruction manual, the user is introduced to the simple site search available from the Home Page. Advanced searches are available for datasheets (the Advanced Datasheet Search), whilst the Advanced Bibliographic Search allows more sophisticated searches for bibliographic records and full text documents. Advanced Datasheet Searches are useful for finding datasheets and for creating lists of species that match specific criteria. Click on the Advanced Datasheet Search option…
Advanced search options for searching datasheets Advanced Datasheet Search and Help resources The Advanced Datasheet Search functionality in the Compendium is best used when a list of species is required that match specific search criteria, e.g., pests of a particular crop in a particular country, pests that produce particular symptoms and pests that occur in one country but not another. Advanced searches interrogate all the Full Datasheets; Basic Datasheets and bibliographic content are not searched using this feature. A good place to start is to take a look at the ‘Search Help’ page.
Some useful Advanced Datasheet Search strings The Advanced Datasheet Search can be used for: Creating a list of pests recorded as affecting a particular host Creating a list of pests in a particular country (state or province) – best used when conjoined with a Boolean operator with a separate search string Creating a list of pests that attack a particular plant part (see Expert Searches for controlled vocabulary) Creating a list of pests that cause particular symptoms on a plant Creating a list of pests causing damage at a particular growth stage (see Expert Searches for controlled vocabulary) SEARCH TIP: Place all Boolean operators in capitals e.g. AND, NOT, OR SEARCH TIP: Add 'NOT host/crop' to any search to restrict to pest and disease datasheets SEARCH TIP: Include terms that need to be searched as a string in inverted commas, e.g. "New Zealand"
Some useful Advanced Datasheet Search strings Once you have generated a list of search results, you can sort the list of species alphabetically or in date order. Use the ‘Export Records’ link to download a list of search results to include scientific name, common name and URL of each species.
The Advanced Datasheet Search and Expert Searches… becoming a search expert… Using the Advanced Datasheet Search input box, it is possible to build more refined and accurate searches by using controlled vocabulary in building search strings. This vocabulary and additional coding is available in the document retrieved by clicking ‘Controlled Vocabulary pdf to download’ in the ‘Advanced Datasheet Search’ text under sub-heading, ‘Expert Search’.
Controlled vocabulary for Diagnostic Search – Symptoms Controlled vocabulary for symptoms caused by pests can be found in the Expert Search help file:, for example: The searches can be further refined by, for example, adding ‘AND [a country/state/province]’ The list of symptoms is long, with over 130 terms to choose from.
Controlled vocabulary for Diagnostic Search – Plant parts affected The controlled vocabulary in the Advanced Datasheet Search help document allows searches for species affecting specific parts of plants…
Controlled vocabulary for Diagnostic Search – Plant stage affected The controlled vocabulary in the Advanced Search help document allows searches for species affecting specific stages in plant development…
Common problems and troubleshooting If you have any problems using Advanced Searches at an ‘expert’ level there are a number of things to check: It is the Advanced Search being used and not the simple Site Search – the green search box is headed ‘Advanced Datasheet Search’ in white letters The exact vocabulary is being used; check that the specific terms are enclosed within quotation marks (“search string”) where appropriate. Check controlled vocabulary: Advanced Search Help document contains controlled vocabulary for; symptoms, part of plant affected and life stage of plant affected. When referring to a host, it may be worth checking the preferred name for a species in the on-line CAB Thesaurus (
Further resources available through the Compendium Although most of the data in the Compendium are held within its datasheet and bibliographic databases, there are further resources that may be of use, notably: Library: a collection of especially selected PDF documents. Glossary: a glossary of terms More resources: external links to Image libraries, videos, identification keys, and other resources This training manual has mainly covered the Compendium in terms of its major content, the collections of datasheets and bibliographic records. The user of the Compendium will also find it worthwhile to explore the other resources available. In particular, the collection of documents that make up its ‘Library’, the Compendium Glossary, and the external links collected that point towards other resources such as identification keys and image libraries.
Self-test activities Make a list of species in that are ‘natural enemies’ of Tuta absoluta. Take a look at the Country datasheet for your country and the list of pests? Download the list of organisms into an Excel spreadsheet. Manipulate the data to obtain a list of species present.
Self-test activities From the Home page, without using any search terms, but using the filters provided to the right of the screen, restrict the content listed to datasheets only. Using the ‘Refine results’ Geographical filter, restrict the species listed to those associated with your country Restrict the list to a taxonomic grouping such as insects.
Self-test activities Use the Advanced Datasheet Search to create a list of species reported as affecting a particular host. Refine that list using ‘Expert’ searching to create a list of pests causing lesions on seeds (or a symptom of your choice) on that host. Add a geographic term to create a list of those species identified in ‘6’ and ‘7’ that are listed as present in a particular country, state or province.
Self-test activities Look at the ‘Search Help’ text and use it to create a list of nematodes causing damage to plants in the post harvest stage that are covered as full datasheets in the Compendium Use the Compendium to find other useful on-line resources such as identification tools for pests of maize in East Africa, or pests of cultivated palms.
After using this training manual on the Crop Protection Compendium you should be able to… Find useful lists of species in different types of datasheet Use the Advanced Datasheet Search to create lists of species covered in Full Datasheets that relate to a particular host Use ‘Expert’ search techniques to refine lists of species recorded for individual host plants to those causing a particular symptom, or affecting a specific plant part or stage of growth Find other useful resources through the Compendium such as identification keys and image libraries relating to crop pests
This manual was produced as part of Action on Invasives, CABI’s growing programme to strengthen and co-ordinate the national and regional management of invasive species, which will help to reverse a threat that has an estimated annual economic impact of more than US$1.4 trillion worldwide.