Building the foundation of the JPIAMR-VRI


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Presentation transcript:

Building the foundation of the JPIAMR-VRI

About the JPIAMR-VRI The JPIAMR-VRI is a virtual platform to connect research networks, research performing institutes/centres and infrastructures beyond scientific disciplines and geographic boundaries in a larger AMR One Health Global Network.

Why a JPIAMR - VRI? JPIAMR, the largest joint venture in research coordination and support for AMR, recognises a need to implement a global alignment of AMR research to strengthen partnerships and avoid duplication.

Aim By bridging borders and disrupting barriers between fields of research, the JPIAMR-VRI will build a virtual "corridor" facilitating alignment of strategies, and the production and sharing of scientific evidence, for developing policy and guidelines to reduce to global burden of AMR.

AMR Research Capacities/ Activity modules Connecting Bridging Partnerships, Collaborations, Forums, Workshops, Webinars. Access Enabling Global Access, Mappings, Frameworks, Blueprints, Expertise, Knowledge Transfers, Structuring. Data Sharing Online Sharing Platforms, Libraries, Catalogues. JPIAMR-VRI Scientific Innovation Building Evidence in all domains of AMR, including human and animal health and the environment. Capacity Building Training, Virtual Education, Train the Trainers, Exchange Programs. Awareness Developing and Sharing research results, Promoting AMR in the Global Agenda 

Membership Who is the JPIAMR-VRI for? To be discussed in the next session

What the JPIAMR-VRI is not. The JPIAMR-VRI is not a funding instrument in itself. It is not to be seen as an added infrastructure to existing country specific ones. The JPIAMR-VRI as a global platform will not carry specific AMR Research projects on its own. The research will continue to be done by the scientific community. It is not meant to take over other existing national or international Networks. 

A few of the benefits of the JPIAMR-VRI for the scientific community Find the right people/groups to create networks, (research) consortia, research ideas and spin-off ideas, etc. Present oneself and remain visible and detectable as an expert or entrepreneur within the AMR field. Easy access to AMR databases, collections, biobanks, research infrastructures. Overview of ongoing and finalised research projects (mapping). Overview of grant schemes/funding database (globally). Early notification of (emerging) resistance problems and novel findings. Promote/find scientific work (publications, protocols, best practices, guidelines etc.). Promote/find workshops, symposia, conferences, summer schools, train-the-trainer etc. Promote/find grey literature i.e. supranational/national (e.g. NAPs) reports with policy & research agendas. Exchange and learn from best practices, guidelines, protocols, experimental models, etc. Invite participants, (keynote) speakers, facilitators. Etc.

Governance of the JPIAMR-VRI The JPIAMR-VRI is an entity under the JPIAMR. The governance lies within the JPIAMR Management Board, championed by the JPIAMR-VRI Working Group lead – Canada. The operations are supported by the JPIAMR Secretariat and coordinated by the JPIAMR-VRI Project Manager. The Scientific Advisory Board and Steering Committee ensure oversight of positioning and alignment with the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

The first funded Networks In 2018, JPIAMR launched two network calls Surveillance Networks, and Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR-VRI. These Networks met in Amsterdam (19-20 Feb, 2019) to explore opportunities for collaboration, synergies and to determine whether further interactions could promote and enhance their actions. JPIAMR-VRI plans to act upon the Networks activities and recommandations.

Example from JPIAMR-VRI Networks Priority Topics A B C D E F Connecting 1 Access 2 Data Sharing 3 Activity Modules Scientific Innovation 4 Capacity Building 5 Awareness   6 Therapeutics Diagnostic Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions

Example from JPIAMR-VRI Networks Priority Topics A B C D E F Connecting 1 Access 2 Data Sharing 3 Activity Modules Scientific Innovation 4 Capacity Building 5 Awareness   6 IRAADD Academic researchers must be helped to efficiently translate their findings into novel and useful therapeutic products. Together with Academia, Industry & Policy, develop blueprints on research for antibiotic discovery and development Therapeutics Diagnostic Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions

Example from JPIAMR-VRI Networks Priority Topics A B C D E F Connecting 1 Access 2 Data Sharing 3 Activity Modules Scientific Innovation 4 Capacity Building 5 Awareness   6 AMR Dx Global From the findings of the successful JPIAMR previously funded Working Group on Rapid Diagnostics Produce a Strategic Action Plan for the establishment of a Virtual School of Diagnostics to provide training and capacity building focused on Diagnostics. Therapeutics Diagnostic Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions

Example from JPIAMR-VRI Networks Priority Topics A B C D E F Connecting 1 Access 2 Data Sharing 3 Activity Modules Scientific Innovation 4 Capacity Building 5 Awareness   6 VeRI-BEAM Define and clarify the path and methodology to the regulatory assessment of alternative antimicrobial treatments to re-risk drug development market access and avoid pitfalls and misuse of public funding. Identify of differentiation criteria for alternatives thereapies and open the way to the definition of these new criteria to be integrated with policy makers such as EMA or EUCAST. Share (scientific and non-scientific) knowledge amongst AMR Research community in non-competitive matter Therapeutics Diagnostic Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions

Example from JPIAMR-VRI Networks Priority Topics A B C D E F Connecting 1 Access 2 Data Sharing 3 Activity Modules Scientific Innovation 4 Capacity Building 5 Awareness   6 NEAR AMR Determining common capacity and capability training needs in AMR research from Europe and Africa. Inform on preferred global surveillance data sharing platform profile of what is realistically possible within a range of existing healthcare systems from multiple geographical settings and with various resources limitations. Therapeutics Diagnostic Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions

Work Plan Concrete outputs and activities contributing to building the JPIAMR-VRI White/ Position paper/ Framework Syst.Review/ Mapping Sc. Article/ Report Training SOP/ Guidance document/ SRA Database/ Platform Gap-ONE ◉ AMRIC AMR Dx Global CONNECT IRAADD Near AMR VeRI BEAM TT SYNERGETIC ACTIONS: These Networks have already expressed intentions to attend each others’ meeting, and be added as Partners to each other’s Networks, collaborate with Surveillance Networks, etc.

Communications JPIAMR-VRI landing page JPIAMR-VRI Networks web pages

Analysis of all Networks activities that will/could contribute to the foundation of the JPIAMR-VRI. Connecting Access Data Sharing Scientific Innovation Capacity Building Awareness   A B C D E F Therapeutics Diagnostics Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions 1 2 5 3 4 6 Activity Modules Priority topics JPIAMR-VRI Networks

Example from Surveillance Networks Priority Topics A B C D E F Connecting 1 Access 2 Data Sharing 3 Activity Modules Scientific Innovation 4 Capacity Building 5 Awareness   6 NETESE Extend on WHO Tricycle surveillance pilot programs in the three sectors of One Health in all countries (especially those with limited surveillance capacities) by linking countries together to obtain yearly rates of ESBL-E.coli Trends determinations Inter/intra-regional comparisons Dynamic dashboard for decision makers Therapeutics Diagnostic Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions

Analysis of all Networks activities that will/could contribute to the foundation of the JPIAMR-VRI. Connecting Access Data Sharing Scientific Innovation Capacity Building Awareness   A B C D E F Therapeutics Diagnostics Surveillance Transmission Environment Interventions 1 2 5 3 4 6 Activity Modules Priority topics Early Stage Drug Accelerator Surveillance Networks JPIAMR-VRI Networks

Work Plan Concrete tasks and activities Oct2018-Apr2019 AGREEMENT DEVELOPMENT Agreement for PM resource New funding program concept paper Added MS as JPIAMR-VRI fee contributors JPIAMR-VRI Overview document « establishing the JPIAMR-VRI » Start of JPIAMR-VRI PM resource Draft Terms of reference for Task Force WORKSHOP & MEETINGS Developped JPIAMR-VRI Membership proposal Plan, execute, report on Networks’ Startup WS Update draft Work Plan + M&D Consultations w/Steering Committee COMMUNICATIONS Consultation w/SAB Comunications Plan + activities table Bilateral discussions w/ Member States JPIAMR-VRI Generic slide deck + 1-pager + 2-pager + webpage + subpages Discussions with Secretariat Head Met w/GEANT to explore opportunities for digital platform

Work Plan Concrete tasks and activities To come Apr-Oct2019 DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS & WORKSHOP Finalize Membership policy Finalize Work Plan + M&D Bilateral contacts with individual Network coordinators to monitor activities. Development plan draft including funding and sustainability Participation to Networks meetings. Task Force Needs assessment Adapt Terms of Reference Bilateral discussions with MS Survey on funding programmes fesability Reactivation of WG and create Task Force IT Start planning the final JPIAMR-VRI Networks WS and prepare report template Sharepoint-type drop zone for documents Numerous representation activities IT Infrastructure needs assessment (with RI WG) Prepare for next MB Activities to come >Oct2019 Monitoring of Networks and evaluate findings Development plan JPIAMR-VRI Network individual final reports Final JPIAMR-VRI Networks WS IT infrastructure Prepare JPIAMR-VRI Launch

Supporting the VRI development fee