PLEASE SEND WRAPPED TREATS Long a spelled a, a-e, ai, ay, ea, eigh, ey News You Can Use August 20-24, 2018 Aug. 31 – Party with the Principal Sept. 3 – School holiday Sept. 7 – PRIDE store Hearing and vision screening Sept. 11 – School pictures Sept. 18 – Fundraiser kickoff Sept. 24-28 – Case testing Sept. 28 – Party with the Principal PLEASE SEND WRAPPED TREATS Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week Reading: text based answers; main idea and details; word meaning Skills: Literary Elements Language Arts/Spelling: subjects and predicates; parts of speech; abstract and concrete nouns Math: Lesson 1: The Meaning of Multiplication Lesson 2: Using Order and Grouping to Multiply Facts: 0s, 1s, 2s, and 5s Spelling Words Long a spelled a, a-e, ai, ay, ea, eigh, ey 1. unafraid 11. delayed 2. lady 12. scrape 3. survey 13. neighborly 4. always 14. disobey 5. amazement 15. maintained 6. stargaze 16. escape 7. acquainted 17. baby 8. strayed 18. daybreak 9. detail 19. remaining 10. they’ll 20. misbehave Homework Monday: ELA – Sheet. Spelling – Write missed words 1-7 THREE times each. Math – Practice book sheet Tuesday: Spelling – Write missed words 8-14 THREE times each. Wednesday: Spelling – Write missed words 15-20 THREE times each. Math – None Thursday: Spelling – STUDY FOR TEST Math – Worksheet Please make sure you send $25 to cover the cost of the workbooks we will use every day. Your child will not receive any workbooks until this fee is paid. Headphones are a must. We use them twice a week each week. If you haven’t sent a pair of headphones to school for your child, please do so as soon as possible. Reminders