Daily 3 and CAFE
What is the Daily 3 The Daily 3 is how we are going to organize our classroom this semester. Each class period, you are responsible for doing 3 things: Read to self Work on Writing Word Work
Read to Self What does Read to Self look like? Behaviors that support reading How do I choose the right book for me? I PICK
Behaviors that support reading Get started right away Stay in one place Work quietly Read the whole time Increase stamina Select good fit books
I PICK good fit books I select a book and look it over, inside and out. Purpose: Why might I want to read it? Interest: Does it interest me? Comprehend: Do I understand what I am reading? Know: Do I know most of the words?
Work on Writing You will select a writing activity each class period. You will be able to choose from the following: Writing Bingo, Grammar Practice, Task Cards, APE response APE: Answer/Prove/Explain short response practice Task Cards Select task cards to complete then return them to the bin. You may do as many as you like during your work on writing time. Writing Bingo Write the date you completed your bingo square on the square (1/day) Grammar Practice 1 grammar practice sheet MUST be completed and turned in each week.
Work on Writing When you work on your writing, here are some things to keep in mind. Cross out tired words so you can replace them with more specific and interesting words later. Underline words you don’t know how to spell. You can look those words up and spell them correctly later during the editing process.
Word Work During this time you will work on resources to help you expand your vocabulary in order to become a more fluent reader and writer. Partner up: You and a partner will work together on the page of root words, quizzing each other on the definition, spelling, and possible words containing the root. Teacher selected vocabulary work: May take the form of task cards, worksheets, or other work using current cycle vocabulary. Find the Vocabulary: You will locate bold and/or underlined words in the selected text reading and add them to the vocabulary section of your journal. If you do not know the word, place a star next to the word or highlight the word.
Rotating between the Daily 3 Focus Lessons Time spent with each rotation What if I don’t finish? What if I’m having trouble?
Focus Lessons During focus lessons, we will come together as a whole class. Focus lessons can be anything that the entire class needs to know. Examples: Discussing a whole class reading selection Reading as a whole class Reviewing a concept Learning a new concept
How long is each rotation? We will be starting with 15 minutes for each rotation. During the rotation, I will be working with select students or student groups on a particular skill. It is your job to work on the rotation activity.
I ran out of time! Don’t worry! You will have time to finish the work you started during another class period. Keep track of where you left off. We will have 10 minutes (that’s the goal!) at the end of class for tying up loose ends such as a piece of writing you’re working on or finishing that last question on the worksheet.
I’m having trouble with _____. You may run into a problem. We’re trying something new and sometimes that brings questions. When that happens do one of the following: Ask a neighbor who is working on the same rotation. Write down your question on a sticky note and ask me when I come around to check on you. Sticky notes will be on the table by the turn in drawers. Double check your directions. Perhaps the answer to your question is there and you just need to re-read them. Raise your hand if your question is urgent. Urgent means you cannot move forward without my help.
What is CAFÉ? Comprehension: How well do you understand what you’re reading? Accuracy: Can I read all of the words? Fluency: Can I read accurately with expression? Expand Vocabulary: Do I know, find, and use interesting words?
Reading/Writing Conferencing What is it? Strengths Concerns Goals Appointments
CAFE Self-Check Sheet to be kept in folder (in the brads) Maintain a record of mastery YOU are responsible for recording your successes.