Introduction to Robot Design Jangmyung Lee Spring, 2018
Course Objectives & Description In this class, the basic theories related to robotics, such as, kinemaitcs, dynamics, and control, are lectured in detail. Basically robotics is the fusion of several engineering fields and requires various information on control and systems with various application fields. Through this class, various control algorithms which are very recent and highly skillful will be discussed to take advantages of electrical and electronics engineers.
Course Objectives & Description Course Description Before the mid-term examination, the fundamental components of robotics, kinematics and inverse kinematics, will be lectured in detail analytically. To evaluate the results of the lecture, the mid-term examination will be taken. After the mid-term, dynamics and control of the robot will be discussed. Finally, the interaction schemes between human and robot will be discussed in detail. The final examination will cover the whole contents of this class.
Course Information References: Requirements & Grading Report Introduction to Robotics, Third Edition, John J. Craig Robot Dynamics and Control, Mark Spong Requirements & Grading Mid-term 40%, Final Examination 50%, Report 10% Report 10 problems per each week/topic. Due on the next week. Mid-term / Final examinations 11 problems from report.
Course Information Instructor's information Homepage (Lecture Note) E-mail : Tel : 051-510-2378 Office Hours : Tuesday 1 ~ 5 p.m. Homepage (Lecture Note)
1. Introduction to robot design For the development of Intelligent Robots
Table of Contents Definition of Robot Components and Structure of Robots Kinematic shapes and classifications General classifications Fundamentals of robotics
1.1 INTRODUCTION Robotics is a new subject which is fused with recent technologies and the traditional engineering. Required subjects for the intelligent robot design and applications: Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer science, Economics, Mathematics
[Fig 1-1] Cincinnati Milacron Industrial Manipulator Cincinnati Milacron T3 [Fig 1-1] Cincinnati Milacron Industrial Manipulator
1.2 Definition of ROBOT Origin of Robot: Czech playwright, Karel Capek used the word Robota in his Rossum’s Universal Robots(1920). Robota means ‘work’in Czech word. Robot may include all the autonomous machines under the computer control.
Robot needs intelligence. Robot Definition from RIA (Robot Institute of America) A robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. The intrinsic feature of the robot: Reprogrammable.
Smart Work: Tele-operation of Tasks Robot stands for human? Robot is developed rapidly with computer technologies Usage of Industrial Robots: - decreased labor costs. - increased precision and productivity - increased flexibility compared with specialized machines 3D(dull, repetitive, or hazardous jobs) tasks are replaced by robots Smart Work: Tele-operation of Tasks
Early Development Robot : Tele-operators + Numerically Controlled milling Machines Tele-operators or master-slave devices During the second world war, for the development of nuclear weapon Computer Numerical Control (CNC): High speed/ high accuracy are required.
Robot Applications in Early Stage Early success examples: material transfer, such as injection molding or stamping A sequence of movements: moving to a location A, closing a gripper, moving to a location B, etc. No external sensory capability(Sensory information is directly connected to the intelligence.
Expansion of application fields Welding, Grinding, Deburring, and Assembly - Complex motion requires more sensors, such as, vision, tactile, voice recognition or force sensing. When the robot is interaction with the environment - Sensory information is desperately required.
1.3 Robot Components and Structures [Fig. 1-2] Symbolic representation of Robot Joints
Joint Types in 3D [Fig. 1-3] Joint types
Main Components of a Robot Robot manipulators: links + joints open kinematic chain. A revolute joint: relative rotation between two links. A prismatic joint: a linear relative motion between two links. (R) For revolute joints (P) For prismatic joints
Components of Robotic System [Fig. 1-4] A Robotic system.
Terminologies Joint variables, : for a revolute joint : for a prismatic joint Driving method : Electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic drivers Degree-Of-Freedom (DOF)
DOF The number of degrees of freedom (DOF) of a mechanical system is equal to the number of independent parameters (measurements) that are needed to uniquely define its position in space at any instant of time. And it is defined with respect to a reference frame
DOF 6-DOF: For positioning : Three degrees of freedom Orientation : Three degrees of freedom With less than 6-DOF arm, an arbitrary position/orientation cannot be achieved. The arm with more than 6-DOF is named as a redundant manipulator.
[Fig. 1-5] Manipulator Geometries Basic Manipulator Geometries Revolute coordinates (RRR) Spherical coordinates (RRP) SCARA arm (RRP) Cylindrical coordinates(RPP) Rectangular coordinates(PPP) [Fig. 1-5] Manipulator Geometries
[Fig. 1-6] RRP multi-joints manipulator Ex 1.1 [Fig. 1-6] RRP multi-joints manipulator Sol) RRP multi-joints manipulator has three independent variables, that is, it has 3-DOF.
Workspace Workspace is defined as the space which can be formed by all the possible motions of the manipulator’s end-effector. Reachable workspace: Any space where the manipulator can reach Dexterous workspace: The space where the manipulator can reach with an arbitrary orientation
Accuracy versus Repeatability Accuracy: How closely the manipulator approaches at the desired position Repeatability: How closely the manipulator approaches at the previous position. Normally manipulators have a high repeatability, but a relatively low accuracy.
1.4 Classification of Robot Robot Classification: Kinematic structure Applications Control method etc… Geometrical classification is general. Industrial robots have 6 DOF or less generally.
Geometric Types Robot: Combination of Arm and Wrist. Five Arm structures: RRR, Spherical (RRP), SCARA (RRP), Cylindrical (RPP), Gantry(PPP)
Elbow Manipulator (Typical RRR) [Fig. 1-7] Structure of Elbow Manipulator
Unimation PUMA [Fig. 1-8] PUMA 500 Robot
Articulated Configuration (RRR) [Fig. 1-9] Cincinnati Milacron Robot
[Fig. 1-10] Workspace of Elbow Manipulator Side view Ground Plan [Fig. 1-10] Workspace of Elbow Manipulator
Types of Revolute Designs Articulated manipulator is called as revolute, or anthropomorphic manipulator. elbow type: PUMA parallelogram linkage: Cincinnati Milacron 735
Parallelogram Linkage Stable structure: light linkages can be used to support the load with small motors. Higher load capability than elbow manipulator. The motor for Joint 3 locates at Link1, which simplifies the dynamics.
Spherical Configuration(RRP) [Fig. 1-11] Spherical manipulator
[Fig. 1-12] Stanford Manipulator
[Fig. 1-13] Workspace of Spherical manipulator Side view Ground plan [Fig. 1-13] Workspace of Spherical manipulator
SCARA Configuration(RRP) [Fig. 1-14] SCARA Manipulator
[Fig. 1-15] SCARA Robot (AdeptOne Robot)
[Fig. 1-16] Workspace of SCARA Manipulator Side View Ground Plan [Fig. 1-16] Workspace of SCARA Manipulator
Cylindrical Configuration (RPP) [Fig. 1-17] Structure of Cylindrical manipulator
GMF M-100 [Fig. 1-18] GMF M – 100 robot
[Fig. 1-19] Workspace of a Cylindrical Manipulator. Side view Ground plan [Fig. 1-19] Workspace of a Cylindrical Manipulator.
Cartesian Configuration (PPP) [Fig. 1-20] Structure of Cartesian Manipulator
[Fig. 1-21] Cincinnati Milacron 886 Gantry Robot
[Fig. 1-22] Workspace of Cartesian Manipulator Side View Ground plan [Fig. 1-22] Workspace of Cartesian Manipulator
1.5 Classifications of robot By power: electrically, hydraulically, pneumatically Hydraulic robot is good for heavy load. noisy and maintenance cost is high Pneumatic robot: cheap and simple but not accurate
Depending on applications 1) Assembly robot - Electrically driven, PUMA or SCARA type 2) Non-assembly robot - welding, spray painting, material handling, loading /unloading
By Control Methods 1) Servo robot: closed computer control, multi-function, reprogrammable 2) non-servo robot: open loop, carrying operation.
[Fig. 1-23] Spherical wrist Servo Robots Servo robot: 1) Point – to – point robot 2) Continuous path robot [Fig. 1-23] Spherical wrist
Humanoid/Recreation robot Advanced Robots UAV Humanoid/Recreation robot Micro robot(medical) Home robot Intelligent vehicle Factory robot Intelligent building
Wrist and End - Effector 3-DOF for positioning, 3-DOF for orientation [Fig. 1-24] Spherical wrist
End-Effector Hand or end–effector is very important for the robot. End-effector actually executes the tasks. End-effector should have the opening and closing functions. Figure 1-25 and 1-26 show the simple grippers.
End-Effector(Gripper) [Fig. 1-25] Parallel jaw gripper
[Fig. 1-26] Two Fingered Gripper
1.6 Fundamentals of Robotics [Fig. 1-27] 6-DOF Robot with a Grinding Tool
[Fig. 1-28] Two-link Planar Robot
[Fig. 1-29] Coordinate Frames of Two-link Planar Robot Forward Kinematics Position. For the given joint angles, , representing the position in Cartesian space is forward kinematics. (1. 1) [Fig. 1-29] Coordinate Frames of Two-link Planar Robot
Inverse Kinematics To move robot to a location B (x,y), obtaining joint variables is inverse kinematics.
[Fig. 1-30] Two-link Planar Arm
Inverse Kinematics Solution Law of Cosines: (1. 2) (1. 3) (1. 4) (1. 5)
Velocity kinematics (1. 6) (1. 7)
Jacobian (1. 8) (1. 9)
Inverse Jacobian (1. 10) (1. 11)
Singular Configuration [Fig. 1-31] Singular Configuration
Dynamics For joint motions , obtaining the necessary torques, , is dynamics. Newton - Euler Formulation Euler - Lagrange Formulation
Control Independent joint control, adaptive control, optimal control, force/impedance control, and cooperative control
Sensor Applications Position sensors: varistor, Tachometer, Encoder, CCD camera, ultrasonic sensor Force sensor: F/T sensor, pressure sensor, gyro, Tactile sensor
Discussions When the intelligent robots are coming to us? --- 4th Industry Renovation will shorten the time to come. How they look like? --- It looks like almost the same as human being.