Sub-Group on Review of Priority Substances – state of play


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Presentation transcript:

Sub-Group on Review of Priority Substances – state of play WG E Meeting (Agenda item 3) Brussels 15-16 March 2010 Jorge Rodriguez Romero WFD Team DG Environment

Contents Meetings and activities of the Sub-Group Approach used to reach the shortlist Discussion and decisions at January meeting of Sub-Group Shortlist of candidate priority substances (PS) Content of dossiers State of play Next steps

Meetings and activities of the Sub-Group Met Sept 2009 to discuss mandate, reports on monitoring- and modelling based prioritisation, screening criteria etc. Met Jan 2010 to agree shortlist of possible additional PS Currently, volunteer MS and DG ENV (via contractor) producing “dossiers” on shortlisted PS in consultation with other MS and stakeholders. Dossiers due 26 March 2010

Overall approach to prioritisation

A stepwise process for prioritisation Universe of chemicals ~2000 Application of simplified risk assessment procedures Assessment of existing risk evaluations List of candidates ~380 Application of prioritisation criteria Ranking exercise Further discussions at January meeting… Shortlist ~42 Preparation of dossiers Discussion on individual substances Final outcome ~ ?

Discussion at January meeting JRC presented information on the modelling-based prioritisation. COM presented a summary of the prioritisation process thus far, which had arrived at a list of approx 50 substances, obtained by selecting the 10-15 first substances ranking highest from the various sources (RARs, monitoring and modelling) and considering other sources (PBTs, SVHC, POPs, Annex III). The proposed shortlist and choices made to arrive to it was extensively discussed at the meeting

Decisions at January meeting Several substances were removed from the list because they pose mainly a local risk: aniline, copper, piperazine, TAME, MTBE. Several substances were removed on the basis of evidence provided (in some cases to be confirmed) by stakeholders or MS disputing the grounds for listing them, e.g. because they are not registered or used in the EU or don’t have the properties, such as persistence, attributed to them Irgarol and six pharmaceutical substances/endocrine disruptors were added in response to proposals by Member State and EEB supported by the Sub-Group. For 42 substances, a provisional list of lead MS to prepare dossiers and of associated MS and stakeholders to provide spontaneous information and/or be consulted was agreed. (WG E(9)–10-03c)

Contents of the dossiers Chemical identity Existing evaluations and regulatory information Proposed quality standards Major uses and environmental emissions Environmental behaviour Aquatic environmental concentrations Effects and quality standards Bibliography, sources and supportive information

State of play Several draft dossiers have been prepared and are circulating among the associated MS and stakeholders. Some queries regarding the dossier template have arisen – these are being addressed, i.e. annotated template to be provided to leads this week. Two pharmaceuticals stakeholder groups have applied (and accepted by co-leads) to join WG E and the Sub-Group on Review and have offered data.

Next steps 26 March: deadline for finalisation of the dossiers (will be put in CIRCA) 20-21 April: Sub-Group on Review of PS meets to discuss dossiers to be able to provide conclusions on PS selection to WG E (meeting 24-25 June) Work on EQS derivation will start immediately after the Sub-Group meeting