ACF1 loss perturbs gene expression in early embryos. ACF1 loss perturbs gene expression in early embryos. (A) Embryo stages selected for transcriptome analysis. In Bownes Stage 3, zygotic transcription is not established yet. Bownes Stage 8 shows robust zygotic transcription. Arrows highlight morphological features of the corresponding stages (appearance of pole cells in Stage 3 and germ band elongation in Stage 8). (B) PCA of single-embryo transcriptomes. Each dot represents a single replicate for the corresponding genotype/condition. _3 and _8 indicate embryos before and after ZGA, respectively. (C) Differential gene expression analysis of coding genes from RNA-seq data. Wild-type and AcfC transcriptomes were compared before ZGA (N = 7,585). Scatter plots represent log2 fold-change of AcfC over wild type for each gene in relation to its mean expression (mean of normalized counts). Red dots represent significant (q-value < 0.1) up- or down-regulated genes. (D). Same as (C) but after ZGA (N = 10,088). Alessandro Scacchetti et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800024 © 2018 Scacchetti et al.