B2 content – Organisation (Paper 1) Levels of Organisation (specialised cells, tissues, organs and organ systems) Digestion (Enzymes, digestion, bile) Blood and Circulation (blood, blood vessels, the heart, gaseous exchange) Non-communicable diseases (health and disease, risk factors, heart disease, cancer) Transport in Plants (tissues, water transport, translocation) Required practicals: Food testing (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) (page 18 in revision guide) Effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme (page 19 in revision guide)
B2 Revision – Organisation (page 16-25 in revision guide) Why do sperm cells contain lots of mitochondria? What type of molecule is an enzyme? Give two factors that affect the rate at which enzymes work. Give two places protease is produced in the body. Where is bile produced and stored? What organ absorbs nutrients into the blood? Describe the two different types of tumour. Explain how coronary heart disease can be dangerous and how it can be treated. What component of blood makes it clot? Which type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart? In which chamber does deoxygenated blood enter the heart? Why to veins have valves? KEY WORDS: Specialised Tissue Organ Organ system Catalyst Optimum Denature Lock and key Protease Lipase Amylase Bile Haemoglobin Artery Vein Bronchioles Alveoli Disease Non-communicable Stent Statin