Taffy Gatawa Chief Information and Compliance Officer Risky Business Taffy Gatawa Chief Information and Compliance Officer Intro – self background. Most familiar with what ELT within the digital care management space. However, my focus this morning.. My talk today is about managing risk and so I am going to spend a bit of time exploring some, not all, of the ways of doing that effectively…../ ( to achieve a competitive advantage and deliver safe care ) Good care is good business
Context of pressure Misalignment of funding with demand Requirement for high quality care and greater efficiency Increased scrutiny of services And so I think that in considering risk, we have to start by acknowledging the context in which we work. That is the environment We know that care needs will increase overtime, and that acuity, particularly within care homes will also increase due to an aging population (do we need a graph?) CMA report on care and nursing homes shows that current LA fees are not sufficient to sustain current levels of care; CQC market oversight report; minimum living wage – consider the implications for providers Juxtaposition of increasing demand for quality and reducing funding for that care. Brought about through the Better Care Fund which spans both the NHS and local government which seeks to join up health and care services. In fact one of the things that this introduced was around risk sharing through the section 75 agreements. Pooled budgets between CCGs and local authorities with one of the drivers being to improve information sharing Increased scrutiny – and evidencing quality can be an opportunity to show and shine.
Session aims Developing a governance assurance framework Adopting a risk-based approach to care management Using GDPR as a lever for success Do the right thig and the rest will take care of itself In this session will focus on ways to manage risks within your business and evidencing the quality of care and suggest / offer a toolkit; an approach that can be deployed to do so. And I am We know that resources are tight and so there is an imperative to ensure that we find a sustainable model for managing risk. Define what success looks like- safe care, happy staff , great reputation and good rating
Developing a governance assurance framework A system for ensuring timely and reliable information on the effectiveness of the management of major risks Continuous and reliable assurance through audit and service review So in thinking about the social care sector, given the context that I have set, outgiving high quality care need not be a game of chances - There are lots of resources signalling the quality standards we should be seeking to attain. How do we prioritise all the important things so that we are targeting the right areas for improvement. Doing things in a methodical and systematic way will help with achieving consistency and standardisation. Tooling can help with this. So in much the same way that we have spell checker for using word, we need the equivalent in care. You cannot succeed on your own. Stakeholders include those receiving care, carers and family members; regulators, care commissioners. Remember that they have a vested interest in your success and the safety of those in your charge – there needn’t be a push/ pull relationship. The power of networks and looking externally to learn from the success of others Mapping assurance over key risk areas and opportunity to identify gaps and how to address them
Adopting a risk-based approach Begin by identifying risks to your business – consider risks to your clients; risks to your ability to continue to operate Understand the environment – political and economic drivers for change and their implications for your business Systematically record risks and note what actions you have in place to control the risk Give some PASS examples Acknowledgement that this is not an exhaustive list – there are other aspects that will need to be considered Consider what class of risks threaten your business (are these workforce (poor compliance with processes) , political, client group, lack of process -Alerting / red flags for risks to quality Risk registers are a useful tool and an important part of your GDPR compliance
GDPR as a lever for success Enabler for building trust through demonstrable security controls Transparency and Accountability T&A – audit logs It is important to get comfortable with regulation in order to leverage this for the success of your business. – Post GDPR, how comfortable are people feeling about their business processes or are they hoping that they will not be found out? Evidencing compliance through better records management
Innovation & technology 01011010100010 Innovation & technology Keeping pace and gaining a competitive advantage in a dynamic environment 01101010100101001001110110010101101 0101010101010100111010100010110 Regulation stance on innovation and technology within their strategy Business Intelligence/Insight 1101010110101 101000101 Quality monitoring
Final thoughts Good care is good business There is pressure – but the risk is worth taking Release opportunity and realise benefits through good risk management Embracing regulation as positive business process
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