Unit 2: Ungraded review questions
Can you explain your answer? Use your fingers to indicate your answer: 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D. After viewing the question, show me your answer in 15 seconds. Next, turn to your neighbor and you have one minute to convince him/her that you are right.
Professor Weedon developed the research question and hypothesis, and decided that the proper way to answer the research question is an experiment based upon the within-subject comparison. This activity is an example of Research design Measurement Data analysis All of these
Professor Azusadeveloped a test to classify personality type Professor Azusadeveloped a test to classify personality type. This activity is an example of Research design Measurement Data analysis All of these
After collecting data, Professor Glendora ran a t-test to compare whether there is a significant performance gap between two groups. This activity is an example of Research design Measurement Data analysis All of these
Professor Justin Case equates quantitative research with statistics Professor Justin Case equates quantitative research with statistics. But his research assistant Lorry Truck wants to argue against it. Which argument(s) should be used? A research project consists of design, measurement, and data analysis. Data analysis is not statistics only. Statistical analysis is based on probabilistic inferences in the long run (What would happen if the same study is repeated over and over?)But one can analyze the data patterns at hand. A & B Actually Professor Justin Case is right. He should fire Lorry Truck.