IPSG Meeting Croke Park Dublin


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Presentation transcript:

IPSG Meeting Croke Park Dublin 6TH & 7TH May 2004

Introduction to the Meeting Approval of Minutes of last Meeting held on 5th/6th February 2004 Presentation of the Agenda Introduction to Draft DG Resolution Topics and work programme

Calendar of remaining Meetings during the Irish EU Presidency Date Venue Meeting Thursday/Friday 6th/7th May Croke Park Dublin IPSG Friday 14th May Troika Secretariat Wednesday 26th May DG Troika Thursday/Friday 27th/28th May Dublin Castle DG Meeting

Agenda (Day 1) -> 6th May 9.15 – 10.00 Opening of the Meeting 10.00 – 10.45 Introduction of New Member States/Candidate Countries 10.45– 11.15 Communications / KM Presentation of Broad Communications Action Plan 11.15 – 11.30 Tea/Coffee Break 11.30– 1.00 Communications / KM (continued) EPAN Website Presentation of Draft KM Handbook Update on CIRCA Articles for E-Newsletter 1.00 – 2.00 Lunch

Agenda (Day 1) -> 6th May 2.00 – 3.00 SPEYER / CeDAT Presentation by Speyer Proposal re: CeDAT (Centre of Documentation, Analysis and Transfer) 3.00 – 4.00 CAF Activities Presentation of evaluation of CAF Resource Centre Discussion on CAF Resource Centre 4.00 – 4.15 Tea/Coffee Break 3.30 – 5.30 CAF Activities (continued) Outcome of the CAF Vienna Meeting Presentation of Draft CAF Action Plan developed at Vienna Meeting Discussion on CAF Action Plan 8.00pm Social Dinner

Agenda (Day 2) –> 7th May 9.00 – 9.15 Arrival of Participants 9.15 – 9.30 Summary of previous day’s proceedings Conclusions from previous day’s proceedings Review of previous day’s DG Resolutions 9.30 – 10.30 3rd Quality Conference Update on current position regarding 3QC Questionnaire re National Stand Requirements 10.30 – 11.00 Benchmarking Activities Learning Lab on Public Procurement by Italy Update on Learning Lab on Road Safety by France 11.00 – 11.15 Tea/Coffee Break

Agenda (Day 2) –> 7th May 11.15 – 11.45 Benchmarking Presentation by Benchmarking Group 11.45 – 1.00 DG Resolutions 1.00 – 2.30 Lunch 2.30 – 3.30 Open Discussion Forum Dutch Agenda for next presidency Update on Process Orientation Update on E-Gov European Administrative Space

DG Resolutions

Summary of progress since last meeting Implementation of Working Methods Guidelines and work on the further development of the Guidelines re: development of KM Handbook CAF Activities (a) Work on the Procurement and Road Safety Learning Labs (b) Initial Proposals for Benchmarking Annual Programme Maintenance of CIRCA Consultations with EIPA on development of NEW EPAN website Further development of the proposal by Speyer on CeDAT (Centre of Documentation, Analysis and Transfer) Continuing Preparations for 3QC Completion of Broad Communication Plan for IPSG Publication of eNewsletter

Ireland Deadline for Irish Activities Jan- Jun 2004 CAF Report of the CAF EIPA Resource Centre Initial draft of the CAF Action Plan May 3QC Preparation for 3QC Ongoing Benchmarking Progress report of meeting in April by Italy on Procurement LL Progress report of meeting in April by France on Road Safety LL Initial proposals by Benchmarking subgroup on Annual Work Programme Communication /KM Consultations with EIPA to develop/present proposals to set up a new EPAN website Development of a Broad Communication Plan to co-ordinate improved Communication/ KM processes for IPSG Update on Circa Publication of 3rd Issue of eNewsletter Working Methods Implementation of WM guidelines Draft KM handbook ready Work Programme Approval of Work Programme Ongoing ~Implementation Feb Other Speyer initial proposal Process Orientation, European Admin Space and eGov As required

Introduction of Member States and Candidate Countries Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovak Republic Slovenia Bulgaria Romania Turkey

Cyprus IPSG Representative Name: Andreas Mylonas What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG: Techniques how to disseminate the CAF and/or other quality management tools Networking with experts with a view to promoting formal business cooperation Gain knowledge and experience of how to organise/deliver a high level conference. What we hope to contribute to IPSG group: Organisation and delivery of a conference /training programme relating to the activities of IPSG. Participation in working sub-groups Knowledge Management, Benchmarking, and especially CAF. Participation in learning labs and Quality Conferences

The Czech Republic IPSG Representative Name: Jiri Marek What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG to gain know-how of good quality public administration to participate in joint programmes to improve the quality of our public administration to earn experience of good management of public administration What we hope to contribute to IPSG group to solve problems of good European public administration jointly with other Member States by active participation to assist in problem solving to be a good partner to all members

Estonia IPSG Representative Name: Juhani Lemmik, Estonian Ministry of Finance What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG CAF and its application, links with other models Benchmarking – what is it and how to use it Expert meetings (e.g process management) What we hope to contribute to IPSG group CAF experience, participation in expert meetings, contribution to EIPA website Quality Conferences Expert meetings and other new initiatives

Hungary IPSG Representative Name: Ákos Kovács What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG Approval of new CAF Action Plan Data, information and practical tools Benchmarking possibilities New, integrated and easy-to-use EPAN website What we hope to contribute to IPSG group To support CAF activities (top priority) CAF Action Plan – active paticipation e.g. Vienna Taking part in the work of LLs Use of the results of benchmarking, KM, etc

Latvia IPSG Representative Name: Reinis Upenieks What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG Ideas for national government Public service quality improvement strategy Support to the ongoing activities in the field Networking What we hope to contribute to IPSG group Challenges as new member Place for piloting new ideas

Lithuania IPSG Representative Name: Jurgita Domeikiene What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG to get knowledge and to learn from experience and achievements of the EU countries seeking to improve the quality of services delivered to citizens and businesses; to be involved in current process of developing of a new approaches and methods for improving the quality of public services. What we hope to contribute to IPSG group to participate actively in the work of IPSG; to ensure implementation of proposals and recommendations of IPSG and subgroups in order to meet objectives set in MTP; to spread results and achievements of IPSG in our country.

Malta IPSG Representative Name: Christine Madiona (standing in for Charles Polidano) What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG To learn about initiatives taken by other countries in the fields of quality assurance and service quality improvement. More specifically, to find out what measures other countries are taking to bring about tangible improvements in service delivery. What we hope to contribute to IPSG group To contribute our own experiences in these areas.

Poland IPSG Representative Name: Adam Misiuwianiec What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG 1. Support in: Promotion of modern management solutions in public administration, Exchange of experiences in implementing CAF and benchmarking, Adaptation of CAF for Polish public administration conditions, Dissemination of CAF throughout Polish public administration, Training of Polish CAF trainers. 2. CAF participation effects: Improved contact between citizens and local authorities by CAF people surveys Improved quality of services delivered to citizens and businesses, Membership in CAF Network

Poland What we hope to contribute to IPSG group Engagement in works of IPSG Experience of Polish public administration.

Slovakia IPSG Representative Name: František Kajánek What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG exchange of experiences new ideas as regards public administration useful personal contacts What we hope to contribute to IPSG group strong support to activities of common interest to the IPSG active role in the field Quality Management experiences in the field State Administration staff reform

Slovenia IPSG Representative Name: Gordana Žurga What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG: Knowledge Management 3QC What we hope to contribute to IPSG group: Participation in Knowledge Management Assisting with some of the background preparatory work for 3QC

Bulgaria IPSG Representative Name: Roumyana Rousseva

Romania IPSG Representative Name: Monica Dimitriu What we hope to get out of participating in IPSG learning and implementing CAF concept and Knowledge Management finding more about best practices from Member States being involved in joint programmes to improve the quality of the Romanian public administration finding more about the possible benchmarking partners What we hope to contribute to IPSG group become involved in benchmarking activities’ subgroup contribute to EIPA’s work, documents and materials participate within the Knowledge Management subgroup share our experiences with other countries which are in similar situations, by using EIPA’s site

Turkey IPSG Representative Name: Mr. Cevdet Yilmaz

Communications/ Knowledge Management

Communications/ Knowledge Management – Broad Communication Plan

Broad Communication Plan - Next Steps Agree plan Commence “miniature self-assessment” of KM practices Set up subgroup representing all EPAN WGs Contact persons from EPAN WGs for Knowledge Sharing Plan EIPA to continue work on development of EPAN site

Communications/ Knowledge Management – EPAN Web site

Communications/ Knowledge Management – Knowledge Management Handbook

Knowledge Management Recommendations Knowledge Sharing Plans should be attached to each IPSG Work Programme When there are other projects or action plans a similar approach should be taken to develop a Knowledge Sharing Plan for each project. The approval process for the Knowledge Sharing Plan should take into account the opinion of the other groups within the EPAN network To simplify the communication process with other groups within the EPAN network, IPSG should ask them to indicate contact persons The other WGs should be encouraged to develop knowledge sharing plans seen from their perspective

Knowledge Management Handbook - Next Steps Approve the Knowledge Management Handbook IPSG to implement KM recommendations The KM Group to continue working on improving KM Processes Contact other Groups with the EPAN network Get their views on Knowledge Sharing Plan Ask them to indicate a contact person

Communications/ Knowledge Management – Update on CIRCA

Articles for the E-Newsletter Communications/ Knowledge Management – Articles for the E-Newsletter

E-Newsletter Template EPAN Newsletter[1] [1] First part, brief information on the article (one page only). Matters Country Title of the document Abstract of the article Contact Information Website Email Full Text Document2 2 Second part, the article (maximum two pages).

Presentation by Speyer

Proposal to progress Speyer’s suggestions Agreement on whether IPSG want a databank If yes, KM Group to investigate different options and make recommendations for one option to be presented during Dutch Presidency Investigations to be led by Speyer

Presentation - Evaluation of the CAF Resource Centre CAF Activities Presentation - Evaluation of the CAF Resource Centre

Discussion on the Evaluation of the CAF Resource Centre CAF Activities Discussion on the Evaluation of the CAF Resource Centre

Evaluation of CAF Resource Centre – Next Steps IPSG to oversee the development of a set of proposals The EIPA RC should immediately: Make improvements to the website (make it more visible, easier to access, etc.) Address the quality assurance issue around the databank Improve services in light of overall feedback from Member States to this study by working on CAF information leaflets, standard templates for presentations, training manuals, etc. EIPA should attend all IPSG and CAF network meetings

Evaluation of CAF Resource Centre – Next Steps (continued) The EIPA Resource Centre and representatives from the CAF Network should commence work on drafting a strategy statement and work programme for the EIPA Resource Centre EIPA RC should present the strategy and Work Programme to the IPSG for approval and subsequent submission to the DGs (possibly as part of the CAF Action Plan) during the Dutch Presidency in the second half of 2004. Once approved, the EIPA RC should commence implementation of the agreed strategy and Work Programme to support the agreed CAF Action Plan, during Dutch or Luxembourg Presidencies, and report back to IPSG on a regular basis regarding progress.

Summary of CAF Vienna Meeting CAF Activities Summary of CAF Vienna Meeting

Presentation of the Initial Draft CAF Action Plan CAF Activities Presentation of the Initial Draft CAF Action Plan

Discussion on the Draft CAF Action Plan CAF Activities Discussion on the Draft CAF Action Plan

Summary of Proceedings of 6th May Minutes of February IPSG meeting approved Introduction and welcome of new member states Next steps agreed for CAF activities Speyer Presentation and next steps agreed Communications/KM Guidelines including Action Plan approved, EPAN Site next steps agreed, KM Handbook approved, CIRCA Update, E-Newsletter articles DG Resolution text agreed in relation to above

3rd Quality Conference By the Netherlands

Benchmarking Activities- Learning Labs

Benchmarking for IPSG

Benchmarking – Next Steps Carry out a review of current IPSG benchmarking to include elements of the new Benchmarking Programme to be developed Seek ideas and suggestions for new items that might be considered for future inclusion Develop an appropriate Benchmarking Work Programme for the next 18 months (July 2004 to December 2005) Present a Final draft of the Benchmarking Work Programme for discussion and approval by the IPSG at the first IPSG meeting of the Dutch Presidency Commence implementation/ progression of the agreed Benchmarking Work Programme after that meeting.

Benchmarking – Next Steps (continued) 6. Request another member of the benchmarking group take over leading the process from the UK for the next element of the work United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden Italy France Luxembourg Czech Republic Estonia and EFQM

DG Resolutions

Open Discussion Forum

Dutch Presidency - July to December 2004 Agenda details Notice of Next Meeting 2 - 3 September 2004 Closure of Meeting

Process Orientation

eGovernment Group Update

European Administrative Space

IPSG Meeting Croke Park Dublin 6TH & 7TH May 2004