Non-fiction text Explains how to make something or how to do something.
Instructions for Writing Instructions What you need: paper, pencil and a brain that can concentrate Directions: 1. Number each step for the order or use time sequencing words, such as first, next and finally. 2. Make sure there are always capital letters, full stops and other punctuation in the correct places. 3. Try to use a verb (doing word) to start each step of the instructions. 4. Add some detail to make some things clearer. For example, walk to the line and wait quietly. 5. Use pictures or diagrams to help explain what is needed to be done CAPITALS. !,
Instructions for Cleaning your Teeth There are a few problems with the following instructions. Can you help put them right? What you need: toothpaste, toothbrush and water. Directions: 2. You need to squeeze some toothpaste onto the brush. 3. brush all teeth using a circular motion. 4. Then spit the rest of the toothpaste out into the sink 1. Take the lid off the toothpaste tube. 5. Rinse mouth out with water and spit it out.