Advancing Children’s Engineering Through Desktop Manufacturing Glen Bull , Jennifer Chiu , Robert Berry , Hod Lipson,and Charles Xie
Contents 1 Important vocabulary 2 Introduction 3 Engineering Design in Schools 4 Desktop Manufacturing Technologies 5 Desktop Manufacturing in Schools Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing 7
Important vocabulary Desktop Manufacturing = the ability to manufacture physical items from your desktop. STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Mechatronics = a design process that includes a combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunications engineering, control engineering and computer engineering
Important vocabulary EiE- (Engineering is Elementary) Engineering design at elementary school CNC – computer numerical control M.I.T.-Massachusetts Institute of Technology FabLab-fabrication laboratory CAD-computer-aided design
Contents 1 Important vocabulary 2 Introduction 3 Engineering Design in Schools 4 Desktop Manufacturing Technologies 5 Desktop Manufacturing in Schools Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing 6
Introduction Current curricular can’t provide connections between children engineering and school science & school math yet Children engineering is already scaled & scaffolded and encompasses the elementary and middle school grades Children engineering meets the requests of globalization Technology (fabricators & computer assisted design programs) plays a great role here Little researches on how to incorporate desktop manufacturing systems in education However, some researches on STEM exist already
Contents 1 Important vocabulary 2 Introduction 3 Engineering Design in Schools 4 Desktop Manufacturing Technologies 5 Desktop Manufacturing in Schools Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing 6
Engineering design is a “systematic, intelligent process in which designers generate, evaluate, and specify concepts for devices, systems, or processes whose form and function achieve clients’ objectives or users’ needs while satisfying a specified set of constraints”. Dym, Agogino, Eris, Frey, &Leifer, 2005
Challenges of Engendering Design “Engineering design is difficult to learn, teach, and assess, and is less studied than scientific inquiry ” Katehi, 2009 Lack of data collection & analysis Lack of in-depth knowledge about students design thinking & learning Many teachers are not prepared to integrate engineering into classroom Engineering design need to be aligned with educational standards Need to enhance STEM education
Some existing design units 1 Age of students: 6th grade Artificial lungs 学生收获: Developing motor skills by making hand-on construction of prototype Knowledge about respiratory system Ability of using web-based simulation
Some existing design units 2 Age of students: 8th grade Alarm systems 学生收获: Understanding of energy transfer and electrical circuits Developing motor skills by making hand-on construction of prototype Ability of using web-based simulation
Some existing design units 3 Age of students: K-8 Bedroom design 学生收获: Deep knowledge of math (shapes and scales) Developing motor skills by making hand-on construction of prototype Ability of using web-based simulation
Some existing design units 4 Age of students: elementary Engineering is Elementary 学生收获: solving students’ real-life problems through engineering design Engage with design challenges Investigate and test materials
Studies suggest: Students benefit from rapid prototyping (focus and frame attention, achieve multiple iteration during the work toward a solution) Need of pedagogical support for students engaged in design projects Teachers without formal engineering training easily integrate design in their classroom
Contents 1 Important vocabulary 2 Introduction 3 Engineering Design in Schools 4 Desktop Manufacturing Technologies 5 Desktop Manufacturing in Schools Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing 6
Digital manufacturing “is a culmination of advances at the intersection of the Industrial Revolution and the Information Age.” Has a great impact on Engineering and Global Economics
Basic elements of Desktop Manufacturing
Overview of digital Manufacturing: CNC milling head
Overview of digital Manufacturing: 3d fabricators
Overview of Digital Manufacturing: 2d fabricators: computer controlled die-cutter
Overview of Digital Manufacturing: 2d fabricators: computer controlled embroidery machine
Overview of Digital Manufacturing: 2d fabricators: laser cutter Capable of cutting very many kinds of materials (paper, plastic, wood, metal, organics, fabrics etc.)
FabLab XXI 世纪初 Neil Gershenfeld, M.I.T. Professor
*Online design–is website where everybody can create, share, remix all kinds of design ideas for free.
Contents 1 Important vocabulary 2 Introduction 3 Engineering Design in Schools 4 Desktop Manufacturing Technologies 5 Desktop Manufacturing in Schools Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing 6
School Fabrication Hardware $ Computer-controlled die cutters (= inkjet printer) 2D fabricators 3D scanners 3D printers
School Fabrication Software(CAD tools) Google Sketch Up – fabrication software for children that can match scaffolding to the learning objects FabLab Model Maker – (for schools) supports 2d and 3dfabrications, allows changing level of scaffolding Energy 3D – developed for engineering design learning
Contents 1 Important vocabulary 2 Introduction 3 Engineering Design in Schools 4 Desktop Manufacturing Technologies 5 Desktop Manufacturing in Schools Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing 6
Advantages of Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing Motivates Learning Closes the gap between theoretical and applied knowledge Improves knowledge of geometry, math, technology, chemistry, biology etc. (STEM) Develops spatial reasoning, motor skills, collaboration skills, communication skills, problem-solving skills, optimization skills etc.
Significant researches on these subjects Studies suggest: Children’s Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing is great for: Developing Motor Skills Connecting Virtual and Physical representation Significant researches on these subjects
Conclusion Though the ways implementing children Engineering into curriculum are not well understood, but for sure it has very many advantages (improves all kinds of knowledge and skills). Things to be addresses first of all: 1)technology, 2)curricular,3)related professional development