LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term? SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE Health What does the term health mean? What does it mean to be healthy? How can we help keep our bodies healthy? What part do diet, exercise, sleep and our everyday routines have on our physical and mental health? Plants: What are the different parts of a plant called? What does a plant need to grow? How is this the same/ different to what a seed needs? How could we find out the best conditions for a plant to grow? ICT: Media/ Impact of technology Can you describe what a device needs in order to work? What different devices can access the internet? How? How is does technology benefit us? How do different jobs use technology? Athletics - How can you get the beanbag to the bucket? How can you keep the ball close to you whilst dribbling it between cones? Which is the best technique for jumping far, jumping high and hopping? How can you get even better? . Games- Cricket, Handball What are the rules of cricket? What kind of throws will be useful with a small ball? How can we improve our accuracy when throwing a long distance? What teamwork skills have we used? Relationships (Jigsaw PSHE scheme) How can we share and cooperate with family and other people? What can we do to resolve a conflict? Who do you appreciate and why? Geography: Where is Kenya? What is Kenya like? Can you locate it on a world map? How does it compare with Charfield? What is the climate like? What are the peoples lifestyles like? History: Who was Edward Jenner? Why is he an important figure in history? When and where did he live? Why are his discoveries so important? RE: How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter? How could you help at home? Find out about Edward Jenner - Where did he live? Think about special people and places In our community. How can you do your bit to care for others and the world? How could you help at home? You could use the sugar swaps APP to show how much sugar is in food. Help care for different plants at home. Note where different plants are growing and what they need. Use a computer to make a document that includes text and pictures. How could you help at home? Discuss different people in your family. What is your relationship to them? Create simple games using a ball or toys. What are the rules and purpose of the game? Move in different ways when out and about: can you run/ jump/ hop to the..? YEAR 2 TERMS 5&6: Living and Growing CLASS BOOKS: The Sunflower Dragon, The Enchanted Wood, Lila and the Secret of the Rain ENGLISH MATHS Adventure Stories How can we make an adventure story exciting? What will your setting be? Who are your characters? What is the sequence of events? What kind of creature will we meet? How can you describe the creature? What kind of character is the child? How do we know? Explanation texts What is an explanation text? What are the features of it? Which technical words can you include? Can you include connectives such as because, but, so and although? Have you included enough detail to inform the reader? Poetry What patterns can you spot in the poems? Can you use them in your own writing? How can we describe a sport effectively? Calculation: x - ÷ + What is the relationship between + and -. How can we find out what the missing number in the problem is? How can we use our knowledge of multiplication to help us divide? Can you draw the numbers in the calculation as tens and ones to help you? Will you cross out the second number or add them on? What is the question asking you to do? Measures: Can you elect and use the correct units to measure length, capacity and mass? Fractions: How much of the whole is shaded? What fraction is this? Can you find other ways of shading the same fraction. What other fractions are the same as ½? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) DT: food technology What are the different food groups? How much of each food group should we have on a balanced plate? What snacks do you like? How can we make them healthier? What ingredients do we need? Art: Who was Vincent Van Gogh? What pictures is he famous for painting? What techniques does he use? How can we use his ideas in our own work? Which colours would best reflect those in the sunflower? How can we use tone in our work? Music: How does traditional music differ around the world? Which instruments can you name? How are they played? How could you help at home? Read different poems: rhyming/ non-rhyming. What do you notice about how they are laid out? Can you find the rhyming words? Can you make up your own verse? Use words such as because and so to explain processes and events. How could you help at home? Cook using different recipes and try out no/low sugar bakes. Research Vincent Van Gogh and find out 3 cool facts. How could you help at home? Use any opportunities to recite x or + facts for numbers . Can you think of the corresponding division or subtraction sentence? Use ictgames on a tablet or computer to play number bonds games or use mathletics. Use ANY opportunities to notice and tell the time.