IMPROVING STAFF CULTURE through the skills of stepping up Deborah Gilboa, MD
Current pattern: Battlefield promotion Take people who were great in their area and assume they’ll be great in all areas Promote without training (on-the-job means mistakes will be in-reality for sure) Promote by need of the camp and not the skills of the individuals Myth: “someone is better than no one” every role must be filled Current pattern: Battlefield promotion
Purpose of Leadership Development Unlock your mission JCC IS mission bigger than any one leader even your leadership development has to exemplify your mission Purpose of Leadership Development
What motivates people? Do you know Dan Pink? Autonomy Mastery Purpose Leadership development gives all three of these What motivates people?
The Solution JCC focused, not personnel focused Planful Rigorous Achievable Making staff better, more effective, not happy The Solution
What does your JCC need? Leadership team does this work What positions will you need in the next 1-3 years Outline the qualities and skills of each leadership position in the organization Qualities – character or personality traits Skills – be specific What’s worked when things are good What’s worked in crisis If this is too much…what are the 3 leadership skills that your org requires in EVERYONE? Mission Brand Promises Structure What does your JCC need?
Identify Emerging Leaders Create Create development goals for this year or quarter Compare Compare to what’s needed Evaluate Evaluate each person’s skills currently Ask Ask if they’re interested Match Match the qualities – character or personality traits, not just who would like to do what Ask your leadership staff who they’d like to groom for what Identify Emerging Leaders
Staff self-assessment Be transparent about what you’re doing and why Ask your staff leadership position they would want self-assessment of skills and challenges differentiated plan for development Staff self-assessment
Personal Development Plan Set goals for each individual – Their purpose Their learning style Interim steps to take Show the bigger picture benefits… but this is JCC focused, not personnel-focused! Personal Development Plan
Leadership Development Culture “Stepping up” through Shared vision! (mission) Role modeling Enable others to act
Create a Stepping Up Culture What is it? Everything is your table “How Can I Help?” not “will anyone notice if I ignore it?” What is your culture now? Ask Listen Watch Find your influencers
Shared vision Involve your influencers Mission is the vision Create standards of excellence Language Signage/songs/activities Involve your influencers
Role Modeling Live the standards of excellence Create signposts to point towards and define success - metrics Set interim goals to avoid overwhelm Unravel beaurocracy
Enable others to act Get out of the way of leadership attempts! Don’t point out the obstacles Don’t fix the situation Empathy without intervention
Start Developing Set actual meetings, not “we’ll try to get together” Give opportunities for stepping up to more responsibility Give chances for staff to get out of their niche or silo (cross-functional experience) Encourage challenge and change! Feedback/Praise Create opportunities for victory! Start Developing
Mentoring Meetings ON THE CALENDAR Group coaching meetings You are ALWAYS teaching Individual coaching Be intentional - get that person working with that current leader Feedback/praise Mentoring
Choose Leaders… … don’t “ask for volunteers Responsibility opportunities - come up as needs present themselves Surprise opportunities – fun ideas you hadn’t planned for Emergency opportunities – battlefield promotions and you’re ready explain why – transparency tied to mission be appreciative – before, during and after Choose Leaders…
Get People Uncomfortable Send outside their niche 01 Ask for change ideas 02 Frequent feedback 03 Victory opportunities! 04
Intra-preneurship Professional memberships Creative opportunities Create “outsight” Agency visits Other industries Meet mentors Industry involvement through conferences Chain of development
If your agency makes your community a better place… you owe it to the community to make your organization last beyond you.
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