Afloat LMS Sandbox User Trials Kick-Off Brief 06 August 2018 UNCLASSIFIED
Introductions / Opening Remarks UNCLASSIFIED
Overview Describe the process for examining functional capabilities of four Learning Management Systems (LMS) during Sandbox User Trials to measure how effectively each application provides the necessary functionality of an LMS in support of Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) The Afloat LMS is one of the vehicles for delivering integrated training content to Sailors In the right place At the right time In the right modality Goal is to ensure that knowledge remains relevant in increasingly dynamic operational environments, with evolving platform capabilities and emerging warfighting technologies. Assessment and Recommendation Report to USFFC Qualitative and Quantitative Data from the User Trials Surveys and Post-Trial Roundtable Data provided by the vendors regarding features not tested during these User Trials Functional characteristics weighted and prioritized in analysis process UNCLASSIFIED
Functional Capabilities The Sandbox User Trials will evaluate how well each LMS supports functional capabilities, specifically: Access Training – Access the LMS on the most convenient web-enabled device Deliver Training – Provide training in the best-suited modality to enhance learning Track Training - Track both in-progress and completed training Edit / Author Training - Build new training and edit existing local training Collect and Analyze Data / Metric for Training UNCLASSIFIED
Objectives and Tasks Sailors assigned as Students will evaluate each LMS solution on its ability to: Provide access to training Display individual profile information Deliver various modalities of training Adaptive Simulations Mobile Applications 3-D Models How-to Videos Availability on web-enabled devices the Sailors of 2025 will want to use Desktops / Laptops Tablets Mobile Phones Sailors designated as Training Officers will Assign courses to Sailors assigned as Students Edit and author courses Build training completion reports in each LMS Civilian and contracted Subject Matter Experts will test functionality of all four vendors across the three types of delivery devices (Desktop / Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone). UNCLASSIFIED
Assignment Matrix UNCLASSIFIED
Student Evaluators Complete assigned courses on each LMS using the device (Desktop / Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone) delegated Note the Operating System (OS) and browser(s) used to access each LMS Complete a survey using Afloat LMS Survey Monkey for each LMS application evaluated Survey link will be sent to e-mail To protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII), each evaluator will receive a discreet user name and initial password via e-mail to log into each LMS as well as Survey Monkey UNCLASSIFIED
Training Officers Assign courses to be completed to Student Evaluators on each LMS View and track the profiles, course completion and course evaluations (as applicable) of assigned students Build a “Training Completion” report Edit the assigned training module in each LMS. Forward revision to SME in the LMS Prompt will be provided via e-mail in the LMS regarding what to edit Edit an assigned Job Qualification Requirement (JQR) on each LMS Build a customizable dashboard in each LMS to view the course completion data and course evaluations (as applicable). Run a training report from the dashboard Sample training report will be provided with elements to be included Complete a survey using Afloat LMS Survey Monkey for each LMS application evaluated Survey link will be sent to e-mail UNCLASSIFIED
Likert Scale LMS Survey Student Evaluators will grade each LMS application by completing the first three sections -- Access, Deliver, and Track Training -- of the LMS survey. Training Officers will evaluate the Access, Deliver, and Track Training qualities of each LMS application, as well as the Edit/Author Training and Collect and Analyze Data/Metrics. Evaluators and Training Officers will grade each item using a Five-point Likert Scale, pictured below, to assign quantitative values to the qualitative functions for each LMS evaluated. Functions that cannot be evaluated should be given a score of N/A. The survey will be hosted online and be accessible through desktop, tablet, or mobile phone devices. UNCLASSIFIED
Courses & LMS Providers The courses provided are: Training and Readiness – The Active Shooter DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge 2018 Food Safety and Food Service Sanitation BECC Common Core Valve Maintenance Basic Valve course LMS Providers UNCLASSIFIED
User Trial Schedule and Help Desk The User Trail Sandboxes will be available for three weeks (13 August – 7 September) Each LMS will be available 24/7 during this time End of Trial Round-table Discussion will occur 12 September (with 13 Sept back-up) Users will be provided a link via email to access each LMS application with user name and password For LMS account issues like account lock-out, inability to access courses or any other LMS account questions, contact the Sandbox User Trials Help Desk: Sean Evans Spencer Smith UNCLASSIFIED
Questions / Closing Remarks UNCLASSIFIED