Our Contribution to the GTFCC Cholera Road Map One WASH Our Contribution to the GTFCC Cholera Road Map
Red Cross & Red Crescent regularly responds to cholera Response: Interventions before & during outbreaks Prevention activities at community level Community case management and surveillance Clinical case management Providing National, Regional and global capacities Preparedness/contingency plans, simulations Training of RC/RC National Societies staff/volunteers Prevention/mitigation of risk Long term WASH and health programming in high risk areas ( IFRC Global Water Sanitation Initiative & Community Based Health and First Aid) Response: Interventions during outbreaks Prevention activities community level: household level water treatment, emergency Hygiene Promotion and SBCC Community case management and surveillance: Oral Rehydration Solutions ORS and Oral Rehydration Points , community surveillance surveillance Clinical case management: Cholera Treatment Centres, Cholera treatment Units , WASH activities to prevent the transmission in a CTC/CTU, for example Chlorination of drinking water, storage, monitoring, hygiene promotion, handwashing National, Regional and global capacity (NDRT, RDRT, global surge & ERUs) Preparedness for response: Preparedness/contingency plans, simulations, training of RCRC National Societies, Community Based Surveillance for cholera and other epidemics Prevention/mitigation of risk Long term WASH and health programming in high risk areas (GWSI, CBHFA) Partnerships: Often as auxiliary to Government efforts and/or in support or partnership with other actors (MSF, UNICEF etc.) Coordination: GTFCC, OCV task force and regional/national cholera platforms, Global Health and WASH Clusters.
The renewed and expanded IFRC emphasis on cholera control One WASH is a recently established Global integrated approach to combine health; WASH; Nutrition and environmental sanitation in cholera ‘high risk’ areas. One WASH focuses on two main actions that are closely interlinked and operate in full alignment with the GTFCC cholera road map Improve preparedness, early detection, and response to contain cholera outbreaks 2. Deliver long-term integrated WASH/Health projects to prevent cholera and reduce morbidity and mortality One WASH promotes a common yet adaptable approach among Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies to establish large-scale, long-term sustainable Health and water and sanitation programmes. One WASH also promotes broadening the scope of these programme to prioritize, in both rural and urban settings, cholera elimination, nutrition, environmental sanitation and strengthened delivery of improved hygiene. One WASH focuses on two main actions that are closely interlinked and operate in full alignment with the GTFCC cholera road map, the IFRC Global Water and Sanitation Initiative & IFRC cholera strategy The integrated approach of One WASH focuses on two main actions in high risk areas : 1. Improve preparedness, early detection, and response to contain cholera outbreaks 2. A long-term integrated WASH/Health approach to prevent cholera
Implementing One WASH Activities: Improve preparedness, early detection and response to contain cholera outbreaks: Preparedness/contingency plans, SOPs, trained volunteers/staff, simulations, strategic stocks of key consumables. Community based surveillance for early detection and monitoring Community case management for early treatment (referrals, ORS-Ps) Prevention activities such as water treatment, hygiene and health promotion Support to OCV campaigns The One WASH programme will support communities to be well prepared for early response when an outbreak happens. It will support existing health care systems with community- based surveillance for early detection and monitoring of diarrhoeal outbreaks at community level. It will also improve access to care by providing community level treatment through provision of oral rehydration therapy, setting up Oral Rehydration Points and referrals of severe cases. Prevention activities such as water treatment, hygiene and health promotion are included as key parts of the approach to managing outbreaks. In addition, the approach will support local governments and partners with oral vaccination campaigns in emergency situations as appropriate.
Implementing One WASH Activities: 2. A long-term integrated WASH/Health approach to prevent cholera (typical project life span 3 to 5 years) Delivering sustainable long-term water, sanitation and hygiene programmes Integrating health and nutrition in WASH programmes Year-round health and hygiene behaviour change communication Advocacy and support to OCV campaigns when appropriate One WASH will continue to invest in sustainable long-term water, sanitation and hygiene programmes, and will embed health and nutrition support in integrated WASH programmes as appropriate. Year-round health and hygiene behaviour change communication and social marketing programmes will be implemented in communities, including advocacy and support to cholera vaccination campaigns. Working always hand in hand with Governments and stakeholders at national level…
Where are we now…….. In consultation with Governments/UNICEF and other stakeholders at country level have prepared concept notes for 18 high risk countries (since mid-2017). One WASH, Phase 1 targets 5.5 Million people in ‘high risk’ settings over the next 4 to 5 years at an estimated 120 M USD. Initial One WASH projects now in inception period. RC/RC funding sources identified at up to 56 M USD over next 3 years. Since mid – 2017 In consultation with our RCRC National Societies Governments/UNICEF and other stakeholders at country level have prepared concept notes for 18 high risk countries. One WASH, Phase 1 targets 5.5 Million people in ‘high risk’ settings over the next 4 to 5 years at an estimated 120 M USD. Initial One WASH projects now in inception period in Ghana and Uganda. We have map RC/RC funding sources at up to 56 M USD over next 3 years.
Where are we now… RC/RC funding sources This funding is available for 20 ‘high risk’ countries in Africa, Asia and America’s (including Yemen). Countries increased from the first plans of the beginning Funding is for both humanitarian response and long-term Integrated WASH and Public Health programming in ‘hot spots’.
What is next…….. Continue advocacy with both internal donors (RC/RC National Societies), potential external donors and fellow implementing partners. Monitor and support projects during inception and delivery phases. As donor interest gathers momentum we will develop more country proposals in detail. Monitor individual project sustainability and impact. Continue advocacy with both internal donors (Partner National Societies) , external donors and fellow implementing partners . To be able to target a minimum of 5.5 million people we would need approx. 120 million Monitor and support projects during inception and delivery phases Develop more country proposals in detail as donor interest gathers Monitor individual project sustainability and impact after the projects end