INTEGRATING COASTAL COMMUNITIES IN THE CONSERVATION OF DUGONGS AND SEAGRASS IN SAHAMALAZA BIOSPHERE RESERVE ISAIA Raymond, COSAP Miaro Dugong Sahamalaza COSAP is an existing platform of co- management of National Parks and Reserves with the integration of local communities. Its role is to guard systems of good governance concerning the sustainable utilization of resources by all partners. COSAP Sahamalaza has been involved in the co-management of Sahamalaza National Park since 2008. 68% of its members are from local management structure – the Local committee of the Park (CLP) and the other members are either local elected administrative authorities or economic operators. Situated in the northwestern coast of Madagascar, the Marine Park of Sahamalaza Biosphere Reserve is of great biodiversity importance. Dugong and seagrass have received little supports for ensuring their conservation in the coastal waters of Madagascar. However, dugongs still inhabit the coastal waters of Sahamalaza but in small number, the limited information about the population has been a key obstacle to enhancing the protection of dugongs and their habitats. MG4 project was developed to highlight the importance of this ecosystem and the species which are misunderstood by decision makers in Madagascar. MG4 was implemented at 16 coastal fishing villages where resource-dependent migrant communities from other coastal Regions have settled. Coastal communities and key stakeholders are actively involved in dugong and seagrass conservation through development of governance structures, establishment of participative monitoring and capacity building toward renewable marine resource management, development of public raising awareness program. The outreach materials produced e.g. T-shirt, traditional piece of textile, banners, poster and wooden-crafted dugong and radio-based educative programs helped for disseminating information on dugong and seagrass. Up to 15,000 people who have never encountered the animal were reached during the awareness and education campaigns in Sahamalaza Biosphere Reserve. The first ever Dugong festival in Madagascar was a success reaching out a large audiences and engaged them in thinking conservation of dugong and seagrass ecosystem. These campaigns increased the knowledge of the local key stakeholder on dugong and seagrass. Awareness raising program and development of incentive projects had positive impacts on the communities’ behavior to adhere to the conservation actions, One of the outputs of the awareness and education program is the commitment of all of the stakeholders in the conservation of the natural resources including dugong and seagrass. . Efficiency of the strategy adopted determined the success of the awareness raising and educative program. Ii is more effective to involve young people in transmitting conservation message to the adults. Taking any opportunities to talk about dugong and seagrass for their conservation. Women association involved in awareness raising on dugong and seagrass Wooden dugong crafted by local artist COSAP Sahamalaza Miaro Dugong will continue to produce radio-based education program on the conservation of natural resources including dugongs and seagrass with the collaboration of local private and national radio stations, COSAP Sahamalaza Miaro Dugong will integrate the monitoring of dugong and seagrass in the monthly community patrolling. One the priority is the following-up of the incentive project developed towards the conservation of dugong and seagrass. With the collaboration of MNP, MG4 will search for new funding for up scaling the incentives School children involved in public education campaigns Local communities in interpretative