CSE 486/586 Distributed Systems Wrap-up Steve Ko Computer Sciences and Engineering University at Buffalo
CSE 486/586 Administrivia PA4 deadline: 5/10 Final exam: 5/17 @ 11:45 am – 2:45 pm in Knox 109 Includes everything True/false questions & multi-choice questions Cheat sheet allowed (1-page, letter-sized, front-and-back) No restroom use Survey & course evaluation Survey: https://forms.gle/eg1wHN2G8S6GVz3e9 Course evaluation: https://www.smartevals.com/login.aspx?s=buffalo Incentive when both have 80% or more participation Currently about 50% for both No recitation this week; replaced with office hours
CSE 486/586 Administrivia Important things about the final week PA4 scores will hopefully be posted by Wednesday. Re-grading will be done on Thursday & Friday. Final grading I’m shooting for Tuesday (5/21) for posting, Wednesday (5/22) for reviewing, and Thursday (5/23) for finalizing. This will change if there’s any delay in grading at the scoring center.
CSE 486/586 Administrivia Distinguished speaker talk 2--3pm today in SU 330 Cynthia Rudin from Duke University Alumnus of UB AI/ML No office hours from me today (sorry). Email me if you want.
Building a Distributed System “The number of people who know how to build really solid distributed systems…is about ten” Scott Shenker, Professor at UC Berkeley Are you confident now? What were the most interesting topic to you?
The Way I See It We’ve learned some of the building blocks & fundamental results… Networking basics, failure detection, logical time, reliable multicast, mutual exclusion, leader election, transactions, concurrency control, replication, gossiping, Paxos, BFT, … …and how real systems get built using those… P2P, DHT, Dynamo, … …and also got some experience in building/using the fundamental building blocks… Ordered multicast for messaging, a DHT, and a replicated key-value storage
Acknowledgements These slides contain material developed and copyrighted by Indranil Gupta (UIUC).