An Inquiry into the Performance of the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia and the Health Professions Act (The Cayton Report) April 11, 2019
Terms of Reference The legal framework of the inquiry: Section 18.1 of the Health Professions Act and the Public Inquiry Act. To inquire into the administration and operation of the College of Dental Surgeons. To make recommendations respecting changes to the act and regulations made under the act. To enhance effective administration…best practice for governance of regulated professions…transparency and accountability…the public interest and public safety.
The Inquiry Evidence gathering through interviews with past and present board members and staff. Interviews with, and written submissions from, individual dentists, patients, members of the public and interested parties. Study of college papers, minutes, manuals and guidelines. Letters and emails concerning college business. An audit of 30 case files. An assessment of performance against the 28 Standards of Good Regulation.
The Report: Part One Addresses the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia, including: Governance, conduct and probity; Performance of the college as a good regulator; External relationships; Protecting the public; and Recommendations.
The Report: Part Two Addresses the reform of the Health Professions Act, including: Health professionals and the public good; Flaws in the model of professional regulation in B.C.; Risk-based regulation and the prevention of harms; Professional regulation for the future; Safety of patients, efficiency, transparency, and confidence from public and registrants alike; and Recommendations.
An Inquiry into the Performance of the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia and the Health Professions Act (The Cayton Report) April 11, 2019