East Africa facing hunger Refugee Week 2019 - Primary Full lesson plan from redcross.org.uk/education Full lesson plan from redcross.org.uk/education 1
‘You, me and those who came before’
A safe space is one where… A safe space should be…
Why do people move? ‘Push’ ‘Pull’ A ‘push’ factor is something that makes people want to move away from a place or situation. An example might be the cost of housing or a lack of jobs. ‘Pull’ A ‘pull’ factor is something that makes people want to move towards a place or situation. An example might be more affordable housing or better chance of jobs.
Push or pull? Not enough food or water Better education opportunities Relatives live there Low pay and life chances Better weather conditions Crime and conflict Speak the same language Overcrowded and congested Clean air and fresh water
Push Not enough food or water Low pay and life chances Crime and conflict Overcrowded and congested Pull Better education opportunities Relatives live there Better climate (weather conditions) Speak the same language Clean air and fresh water
Share a story Share a dish Feel the beat Join the movement Write a poem Find one fact Find out who you really are
Slide 7: UNHCR Mid-Year Report 2018 - https://www. unhcr Important legal note This photograph is fully protected by copyright. Schools and other educational organisations are free to use it for educational use. The licence does not extend beyond this use. This means that anyone wishing to put the image on a website, crop or edit it, or use it in any other way, must first contact the copyright holder and negotiate a licence for the use they require. This resource and other free educational materials are available at redcross.org.uk/education The British Red Cross Society is a charity registered in England and Wales (220949) and Scotland (SCO37738). 1