Please pay dues to Lizeth! $15 per year or $10 per semester Helps us purchase good food for everyone! Helps us arrange fun events for the group National Membership: $20 for Undergraduates
The Society of Women Engineers February 16th, 2018 New Mexico State University
Agenda Mission Statement Announcements E-Council Updates What has SWE been up to? Career Fair events Girl Scout Meeting Future Events E-Week Volunteer events Fundraising T-Shirt updates
Mission Statement "Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, demonstrate the value of diversity."
E-Council updates Daniela & Isabel – E Council Reps E-Week! MONDAY, February 19 Kick-Off: College Weenie Roast @ Maggard Courtyard, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm We will be welcoming 150 prospective students and their parents, please volunteer you organization to mingle with them and tell them what NMSU is like while enjoying your lunch! TUESDAY, February 20 bE-Social Day (2 events) Puppies & Pastries @ EC Clock tower, 10 am -2 pm - Invite your members to this social event to designed to de-Stress you ! - Free pastries Video Gaming Tournament @ Jett Hall 259, 6 pm- 8 pm - Sign up as a club or individual to compete for a $50 Amazon Gift Card! - Free Popcorn
E-Council Updates cont. WEDNESDAY, February 21 Diversity Day @ EC Clock tower, 11:30 am -2:30 pm - Diversity in Engineering groups celebrate CoE diversity and sign up for this recruiting/fundraising opportunity. FRIDAY, February 23 Discovery Day @ EC Clock tower, 11:30 am -2:30 pm - Invite your members! - Information booths by: Undergrad Research Programs, Student Support Programs, CoE Grad Student Organizations, Leadership Programs SATURDAY, February 24th Engineering Fair @ LC Museum of Nature and Science from 9 am - 12 pm - Student orgs can host science demonstrations, do hands on activities, or exhibit projects to the LC community
What Has SWE Been up to?
Salt River Project and Cummins Q&A Sessions! Members were invited to mingle with representatives of each company on Tuesday, January 30th. Some members who attended received interviews from company HR personal
Girl Scouts Meeting February 15th, 2018
SWE Newsletter The newsletter for January-February will come out soon! Remember to submit pictures to Kim!
Future Events
E-Week Please go to the following website to sign up for events, or to learn more about how to get involved!
We Local Phoenix Today is the last day to register! Go to Cost: $30 Career Fair only $85 Full Conference
2018 Southwest New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Fair 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Saturday, March 3 Part of Intel State and International Science and Engineering Fairs. Judges and General volunteers are needed Need 25% member participation in event to get credit Fill out the Judge registration form by going to
Girls Can! To volunteer, please sign up on sheet or contact
Fundraising! Jasmine needs volunteers for fundraising! Please leave your contact information with Jasmine so that she can email you about volunteer opportunities OR Contact Jasmine Gomez at
SWE T-shirts Coming soon! Shirts have been ordered and will be printed soon! Look out for an email from SWE regarding your order in the next two weeks! Additional shirts will be for sale for $20 Sizes range from Small to Extra Large
Have a great weekend! Next Meeting: March 2nd, 2018 4 PM in Jett Hall 206