IGAD Food Security and Nutrition Status


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Presentation transcript:

IGAD Food Security and Nutrition Status By Moneim Elhoweris IGAD Food Security & Nutrition Expert CAADP Focal Person Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania September, 2018

Background IGADD established in 1986 in response to droughts, food insecurity and environmental degradation with a mandate to mitigate drought effects and combat desertification IGAD (Inter-Governmental Authority on Development) revitalized in 1996 and given new mandate and name Made up of eight countries: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, all are in the Horn of Africa (HOA).

Background (Contd.) The IGAD region land area is 5.2 million square kilometers, 60-70 % of which is Arid and Semi-Arid lands (ASALs) that experiences prolonged drought and unpredictable rainfall patterns (less than 600 mm of rainfall annually) In 2010/2011, the IGAD region was hit by a severe drought that affected more than 13 million people and exacerbated an existing chronic food and nutrition insecurity situation to famine levels in several areas.

Background (Contd.) IGAD mission is to assist Member States achieve regional integration through closer cooperation in the areas of:- 1. Agriculture and Environment 2. Economic Cooperation and Social Development 3. Peace and Security

Food Security Situation in the IGAD Region Over 78% of the population (+/- 250 million) is dependent on agriculture Agriculture is small-scale and mainly rain-fed irrigation Over 60% of the land is Arid and Semi-Arid Lands [ASALs] and is drought-prone Recurrent droughts are most important trigger of famines Conflicts in the region exacerbate food insecurity

Food Security Situation in the IGAD Region (Cont.) Over 70 million people are facing chronic food insecurity IGAD region is the most food insecure part of Africa/World 40% world food aid goes to IGAD region alone (3% world population) That is equals to over one million metric tons of food aid imported every year

IGAD Endeavours addressing Drought and Food Insecurity through: IGAD Strategy Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition Strategy IDDRSI Strategy Realizing Malabo Commitment through the implementation of CAADP RAIP and NAIPs

IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) Seeking to address the catastrophic phenomenon of recurrent droughts and related environmental concerns in a sustainable manner Heads of State and Government of the (HOA) region convened a Summit in Nairobi, September 2011.

Forming up IDDRSI (Contd.) The Summit called for the urgent introduction of strategies, policies and programmes that involve strengthening of investment plans at member states’ and regional levels with the principal objective of building resilience to future climatic and economic shocks, known as the Nairobi Strategy The Nairobi mandate given IGAD the task to coordinate and implement the regional drought resilience initiative (IDDRSI)

Forming up IDDRSI (Contd.) The Summit urged all concerned bodies to do things differently and recommended the use of preventive and holistic approaches, combining relief with development interventions in dealing with drought and related emergencies in the HOA. Hence, a “Two-Track Approach” was adopted to deal with the HOA recurrent droughts and famines. Summit instructed the formation of IGAD Drought Disaster and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) in year 2012.

IDDRSI PRIORITY INTERVENTION AREAS (PIAs) Natural resources and environment management 1.1 Water resources development and management 1.2 Pasture and land management 1.3 Securing equal access to natural resources 1.4 Environmental management (including renewable energy and bio-diversity) 1.5. Strengthening pollution control in IGAD region.   Market access, trade and financial services 2.1. Transport and market development 2.2. Securing livestock mobility 2.3. Securing financial transaction 2.4. Trans-boundary disease control & SPS measures and standards 2.5. Promote and support regional trade and infrastructures 2.6. Develop and harmonize financial services in IGAD region Livelihoods support and basic social services 3.1. Livestock production & health 3.2. Agriculture production and productivity 3.3 Fisheries development 3.4 Income diversification 3.5 Productive and social safety nets 3.6 Equal access to basic social services (nutrition, education, health, water sanitation) Disaster risk management, preparedness and effective response 4.1 Early warning response 4.2 Climate monitoring and climate change 4.3. Mapping of pastoral movements and drought events occurrence Research, knowledge management and technology transfer 5.1 Support to applied / adaptive research 5.2 Advisory and extension services / systems 5.3 Knowledge management and communication 5.4. Promote the network of national and regional dryland collaborative, adaptive and applied research centres. Conflict prevention, resolution and peace building 6.1 Conflict resolution 6.2 Peace building and mediation mechanisms 6.3. IGAD Conflict Early Warning and Response Network at national and Africa wide level. Coordination, institutional strengthening and partnerships 7.1 Coordination and Platform management, 7.2 Institutional mechanisms 7.3 Enhancing Partnerships 7.4. Ensure gender mainstreaming agenda and empowerment Natural resources and environment management Market access, trade and financial services Livelihoods support and basic social services Disaster risk management, preparedness and response Research, knowledge management & technology transfer Conflict prevention, resolution and peace building Coordination, institutional strengthening and partnerships

IGAD, FSNWG and IPC: The Food Security and Nutrition Working Group (FSNWG) is a regional platform, currently co-chaired by IGAD and FAO. Its goal is two-folds: Providing an up-to-date: Food security and nutrition situation analysis (Early Warning) Offering a forum to build consensus on critical issues facing policy and interventions

IGAD, FSNWG and IPC Cont.: With IGAD’s entry as a formal member of the Global IPC Steering Committee (IPC-SC) in July 2015. IPC has proven its relevance in the region to providing relevant and timely evidence-based analyses to National and Regional Stakeholders It also provides a crucial input to the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) strategy and contributes significantly to the regional Food Security and Nutrition Working Group (FSNWG).

IGAD, FSNWG and IPC Cont.: IPC is mandated among others to consolidate complex analysis of food security situations for evidence-based decision support. The IPC contributes to answering questions on where to allocate resources, to whom and to how many people, when, and what should be done! These questions help inform ‘Situation Analysis’, which is the focus of the IPC and what East and Central Africa Regions need.

IGAD, FSNWG and IPC Cont.: Improvements Kenya Somalia Ethiopia Uganda Worsened/unchanged South Sudan Sudan CAR DRC

CAADP RAIP Implementation: IGAD RAIP (2016-2020) implementation is underway: commitment III, Ending Hunger in Africa by 2025, underlines: Ending Hunger, Accelerate agriculture growth by increasing currant productivity levels, halving PHL by 50% by 2025 Improve nutritional status, in particular elimination of child undernutrition in Africa, with views bringing stunting by 10% and underweight by 5% by the year 2025

CAADP RAIP Implementation Cont.: Commitment IV, Halving Poverty in Africa by 2025, underlines: ensure that the agricultural growth and transformation process is inclusive and contributes at least 50% to the overall poverty reduction target establish and/or strengthen inclusive public-private partnerships for at least five (5) priority agricultural commodity value chains with strong linkage to smallholder agriculture

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