The attempt by a government to control all aspects of life Totalitarianism The attempt by a government to control all aspects of life
Common Features Single-Party Dictatorship Gov’t controlled economy Use of secret police & terror Strict censorship/gov’t control of media Use of schools & media to indoctrinate people Unquestioning obedience to a single leader
Command Economy Brought all economic activity under government control Five-Year Plans: plans to build heavy industry, improve transportation, increase farm output Collectivization: peasants were forced to give up farmland to form collective (shared farms) to increase output
The Great Purge Stalin destroyed old party leaders and put his supporters in top jobs Had paranoid/obsessive fears and eliminated anyone who opposed him Used secret police, censorship, violent purges, terror, etc.…
Socialist Realism Art and literature used to boost socialism by showing Soviet life in a positive light, glorifying Soviet government
A Typical Day in the Gulag (FORCED LABOR CAMPS) Time Activity 6:00 AM Wake up call 6:30 AM Breakfast 7:00 AM Roll call 7:30 AM 1 ½ hour march to forests, under guarded escort 6:00 PM 1 ½ hour return march back to camp 7:30 PM Dinner 8:00 PM After-dinner camp work duties (chop firewood, shovel snow, gardening, road repair, etc.) 11:00 PM Lights out