Best Practice in Legal Outreach Kurt Maroske February 2019
LawRight LawRight is a not-for-profit, community- based legal organisation that coordinates the provision of pro bono legal services for individuals and community groups. The Outreach Legal Clinics provides free legal information, representation and advice to vulnerable people, including: those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; refugees; and people experiencing mental health concerns. Our Outreach Legal Clinics started in 2002 as the Homeless Persons’ Legal Clinic, and we currently operate 10 clinics in Brisbane and 3 in Cairns.
Who LawRight Are We are a community legal centre, and a member of the Community Legal Centres Queensland and the National Association for Community Legal Centres. We are a partnership, and work closely with law firms, non- legal community agencies, the Bar Association of Qld, university law faculties, the Qld Law Society, and Legal Aid Queensland.
How LawRight Helps LawRight improves the lives of vulnerable people for the common good by: Increasing access to the justice system, improving the health and wellbeing of clients, and improving access to housing, income and legal rights; Creating positive change through proactive reform of systems, laws and policy. We identify the unaddressed legal problems of vulnerable people by: Implementing research frameworks to systematically identify access to justice gaps; Creating resources that diagnose unrecognised legal need or respond to unaddressed legal need.
Why do outreach? Provide access for vulnerable clients Tailor your service to a chosen demographic Be where your clients are Fill an unmet legal need Intervene before a problem escalates Meet the needs of remote communities
How to do outreach Understand the importance of collaboration Value multi-disciplinary, holistic support Train your partner agencies Integrate with partner agencies Think about technology
The Outreach Lawyer Understand relevant areas of law Understand multiple and compounding disadvantage Understand your clients’ capability Communicate legal concepts simply and carefully Be culturally sensitive Be trauma-informed
3 Resources Outreach Best Practices Consultation Report Research Report