I. Indian sub-continent Geography India is separated from the rest of the continent of Asia by the Himalayan Mountains The tallest mountain in the Himalayas is Mt. Everest, standing 29,035ft.
Everest was first climbed in the 1950’s. Since then 4,000 people have attempted to climb to the summit, but only 660 have been successful. 142 people have died trying. Because of the movement of the tectonic plates the Himalayan Mountains are still growing.
II. Ancient Aryans The ancient Aryan people began as a nomadic group that herded cattle. Eventually this group moved over the Himalayan Mountains to what is now India Cattle were considered to be a prized possesion of the Aryan people. This way of thinking does not change even after the Aryan people permanently settle in India and begin farming.
Cattle were important because they provided a steady supply of meat, milk, and butter. A persons individual wealth was measured in the number of cows that they owned. By 1000 B.C., the Aryans were expanding across India and began mixing with local cultures.
Changes brought to India by the Aryans Invented an iron plow to help with farming Created a written language called Sanskrit Declared cattle as a sacred animal and could not be used as food Developed a Caste System for the people
III. India’s Caste System
A caste system is a social class system that determines: What jobs you can have Whom you can marry What people you can socialize with
The early Aryans created the caste system to keep groups separate and control behavior. Over time, even though the Aryans and their culture dissolved, the caste system remained.
Women’s rights Women in ancient India had fewer rights than the men. Women would receive their education at home Marriages would be pre-arranged Only men could inherit property
Short Reading Read pages 203 and 204 Begin on right column EARLY HINDUISM
IV. Hinduism Hinduism is one of the oldest and largest religions in the world. It is a mix of the ancient Aryan religions and the religions of the early people of India Hinduism has thousands of deities. All these deities make up one universal spirit called Brahman.
Reincarnation – the idea of passing through many lives to reach Brahaman Dharma – divine law that requires people to perform the duties of their caste. Karma – the consequences of how one lives Caste – social group a person is born into
V. Buddhism Around 563 B.C., in southern Nepal, Prince Siddhartha Gautama became unhappy with the suffering of the people in his kingdom.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ― Gautama Buddha
Gautama left his life as a prince to meditate and spread his message about life and the nature of suffering. His lessons became known as Buddhism, and to his followers he became known as “Buddha” or “Enlightened One” He taught that the only way to find truth was to give up all worldly desires. By giving up these desires pain and sorrow would disappear.
Also he taught that by giving up all worldly desires a person could reach Nirvana or a state of wisdom.