Energy Efficiency Projects By: Taisha Cottrell and Johnathan Taylor
What it represents This data set represents New York City’s long term sustainability plan also known as PLA-NYC which calls for the city government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by municipal operations by thirty percent before the start of 2017 An essential part of this plan consists of retrofitting or adding new equipment to these municipal buildings so they can become more energy efficient.
Why we chose this topic We are both interested in sustainability Green Building systems use less and conserve more, reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and improving air and water quality. Also we chose this particular data set is because New York City is a large city that has the potential to be the future of green buildings. There is a plethora of old buildings in New York City that have been untouched for years.
The environmental significance New Yorkers will save energy and money, generate clean and renewable energy source manage storm water reduce the urban heat island effect grow fresh, local food, reduce carbon emissions, and promote a healthier and greener city.
Positive trends The positive trend shown in the data is that most of the energy efficient projects in the data set are completed while there are only a minuscule amount that are incomplete. This is important to note, because the data shows how the city is working towards a measurable goal of having green buildings. New York City is making strides to make sure these changes occur within a specific time period.
Conclusion New York City is leading the way in its initiatives for a greener NYC The PLA-NYC aims to double the number of green jobs in 10 years, improve access to education, information, and coordination needed by workers and businesses to facilitate growth in the green economy, promote skill development to ensure New Yorkers meet requirements for green jobs, and increase demand for green products and services. The Data we researched is essential because it shows that one, the city is recognizing the environmental impacts old buildings have and energy efficiency is important to the long term sustainability