2019 Capital Program Title of Presentation 2019 ECA Capital Region Partners Presentation January 10, 2019 Title of Presentation www.leduc.ca Presented by: Kyle van Steenoven, P.Eng. Manager, Capital Projects and Development
Insert Title Here Leduc Capital Program Title of Slide 2019 Capital Program Leduc Capital Program North Telford Roadway Reconstruction Black Gold Drive Southeast Boundary Road Lanes and Parking Lot Capital Utility Program Traffic Signal Upgrades 65 Avenue Interchange
North Telford Roadway Reconstruction Insert Title Here Title of Slide North Telford Roadway Reconstruction 2019 Capital Program Was a two year, $5.5 Million dollar neighbourhood renewal project that started in 2018. This project allowed us to trial a new procurement process. This process led to the procurement of a skilled general contractor and a successful construction season.
Black Gold Drive Reconstruction Insert Title Here Title of Slide 2019 Capital Program Black Gold Drive Reconstruction Arterial Road Reconstruction 17,500 m2 of new road construction 17,500 m2 of foamed asphalt rehabilitation 4,800 m of Curb and Gutter 210 m of Large Culvert Replacement Traffic Signal Relocation Minor underground storm improvements. This project is still in detail design and the preliminary construction estimates are in the range of $8 – 10 million. Two year construction project.
Black Gold Drive Reconstruction Insert Title Here Title of Slide Black Gold Drive Reconstruction 2019 Capital Program Culvert Replacements/Repair Replacement/Repair of 3 large semi-submerged culverts Coordination with CP Rail Staged construction to minimize closure. Traffic Accommodation Maintain two directions of travel at all times Potential exceptions: - Large culvert replacements - HWY 2 underpass - Intersection reconstructions
Black Gold Drive Reconstruction Insert Title Here Title of Slide Black Gold Drive Reconstruction 2019 Capital Program Prequalification General contractors will be prequalified based on qualifications and past experiences Proposal All prequalified candidates will be invited to submit a proposal based on the scope of work listed in the RFP Candidates will be asked to identify and evaluate risks and conflicts, provide a detailed schedule and staging plan and provide a detailed traffic and resident accommodation plan. Interviews will be conducted with a short list of proponents to discuss the proposal with key members of the constructions team (project manager / project superintendent)
Southeast Boundary Road Insert Title Here Title of Slide 2019 Capital Program Southeast Boundary Road New 4-lane arterial roadway Construction of new rail crossing Coordination with CP Rail 7,700 m2 of asphalt 1,000 m2 of concrete median 625 m of curb and gutter 375 m of multiway trail 180 m of storm sewer Preliminary construction estimate of $7 million
Parking Lot and Lane Reconstruction Insert Title Here Title of Slide Parking Lot and Lane Reconstruction 2019 Capital Program Lane Reconstruction 3,300 m2 of lanes reconstruction 600 m2 concrete driveway connections Preliminary construction estimate of $1 million St. Paul’s Anglican Church Parking Lot 34 Parking stalls 18 meters of CB lead 150 meters of barrier curb 1,200 m2 asphalt paving Preliminary construction estimate of $250,000
Capital Utility Program Insert Title Here Title of Slide 2019 Capital Program Capital Utility Program Structural CIPP lining of 230 meters of the Airport sanitary main including installation and maintenance of a temporary bypass system CIPP lining and spot replacements of 800 meters of sanitary mains throughout the City Approximately 30 residential sanitary service lateral liners Preliminary construction estimate of $700,000
Traffic Signal Installation Insert Title Here Title of Slide 2019 Capital Program Traffic Signal Installation Installation of new traffic signals at the intersection Grant MacEwan Blvd. and Suntree Promenade/Windrose Drive Preliminary construction estimate of $350,000
Insert Title Here 65 Avenue Interchange 2019 Capital Program The Phase 1 Design is a joint project between the City of Leduc, Alberta Transportation and the EIA Design is currently underway lead by Stantec with Associated Engineering and McElhanney Designs expected to be completed by the end of 2019 Construction is currently dependent on funding Preliminary construction estimate for the project is $75,000,000.
Insert Title Here Title of Slide 2019 Capital Program All pre-qualifications or tenders listed above will be posted an APC/COOLNet For any questions and inquires please contact: Kyle van Steenoven Manager, Capital Projects and Developments (780) 980-8415 kvansteenoven@leduc.ca