OPENING Unit 1 (Part 1) Vocabulary Quiz You have 10 minutes with your brain and 5 minutes with your notes. Good luck! P.S. This should be easy. Very easy.
House On Mango Street Scavenger Hunt Work with a partner or alone. Read the 4 vignettes from HOMS: “Hairs,” “Those Who Don’t,” “The Family of Little Feet,” and “The First Job.” Fill all the categories of your scavenger hunt with direct quotes. There should be no need to explain your answers. You are simply citing textual evidence. Example: “My Papa’s hair is like a broom, all up in the air.” (p. 6)
Unit 1 Project: ABC Book Your major grade for this unit is an ABC Book project. Due Date: Wednesday, February 12
Summarizer What are the terms that everyone can use in their projects?