Metallic Bonding
What is Metallic Bonding? Found in Metal Elements Only!!!! IT IS NOT A CHEMICAL BOND, BUT A FORCE OF ATTRACTION BETWEEN THE ATOMS IN A PURE METAL SAMPLE Very strong force of attraction Caused by MOBILE VALENCE ELECTRONS, which means they can move around the positive nuclei in a metal sample “Sea of Electrons”
Properties of a Metallic Bond and Why Metals Differ From ionic Compounds Mobile Valence Electrons Have Luster because mobile electrons reflect back the light energy as they get excited Electrons Absorb Energy and Move so Metals are able to twist and bend without breaking The Electrons can take an electric charge and pass it along to another electron in the structure making metals conductive for electric charges and heat High Melting points and boiling points because you must overcome the transfer of energy Difficult to break metals because of how they spread out destructive forces Found in metal atoms only, never found as an actual bond but rather as an electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and the “sea of electrons”