Domain The set of all possible input values. Independent Variable X Notation: (-∞<x<∞) Or (-8≤x≤9) Interval Notation (-∞,∞) Or [-8,9]
Range The set of all possible output values. dependent Variable f(x) (also known as y) Notation: (-∞<f(x)<∞) Or (-8≤f(x)≤9) Interval Notation (-∞,∞) Or [-8,9]
Extrema Extreme values for f(x) Minimum-floor of the graph Maximum-ceiling of the graph Not many graphs of functions will have both Some functions will have neither
Interval of Increase/Decrease Describes the graph as you move left to right. Use same notation as Domain/Range Some functions will have multiple intervals-these have to be described separately
Interval of Increase/Decrease
Zeros Values of x that make f(x)=0 Can be determined algebraically (by solving) Can be determined graphically (by observation) Also known as roots, solutions, or x-intercepts
Intercepts Places where the function crosses an axis. Y-intercepts occur when x=0. X-intercepts-see previous slide. Not every function will have them. Some functions will cross the x-axis, but not the y-axis. Some functions will cross the y-axis, but not the x-axis.
End Behavior What happens to f(x) as x goes to infinity in either direction. Two parts. Notation: As x-∞, f(x) something, and As x+∞, f(x) something. What the somethings are has to be determined from observation.
End Behavior
End Behavior