PDGFRα activity reduces phosphorylation of critical members of the translational initiation complex. PDGFRα activity reduces phosphorylation of critical members of the translational initiation complex. (A) Log2FC of the key members of the translational initiation complexes in acute and chronic PDGFRα stimulation. (B) Western blots of the phosphorylation sites shown in (A) from biological replicates (N = 3). (C) Quantification of the Western blotting (B). (D) Western blots for RSK and S6K phosphorylation upon acute or chronic PDGFRα stimulation. (E) Quantification of the Western blotting analyses in (D). (F) Human GBMs expressing high levels of PDGF-A have reduced levels of phosphorylation of several members of the translational machinery when compared with GBMs with low levels of PDGF-A. Data represent the mean ± SD of triplicate experiments. The statistical differences were determined using paired t test. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01. Source data are available for this figure. Shuang Zhou et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800029 © 2018 zhou et al.