CLASS CHRISTMAS PARTY-Dec. 19th at 1:30 (note will be sent this week) Ms. Brantley 12/03-12/07 Assessments Math-Tuesday ELA-Friday HOMEWORK MONDAY: Math sheet; Study Reading vocabulary, timed reading passage. TUESDAY: study reading vocabulary, timed reading passage. WEDNESDAY: Get test folder signed. Study reading vocabulary; timed reading passage. THURSDAY: Math sheet; reading vocabulary, Timed reading passages are due on Friday. *WE WILL VISIT THE SANTA STORE AS A CLASS ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7. IMPORTANT DATES DIBELS-December 6th 2nd Grade After School Paint Party-Dec. 4th CLASS CHRISTMAS PARTY-Dec. 19th at 1:30 (note will be sent this week) READING NEWS Study reading vocabulary and definitions each night. Parents listen to your child read his/her timed reading passage .