Unlocking Opportunity Welcome to Curriculum Night September 6, 2018 Unlocking Opportunity Grade 2 Jenna Fairchild & Emerald Fields
Curriculum Overview: Math Fifth year with Math Expressions Addition and Subtraction within 20 Addition within 200 Length and Shapes Subtract 2-digit numbers Time graphs and word problems 3-digit addition and subtraction Adding and subtracting length
Literacy Writing Reading Personal narrative Informational Persuasive Short stories Reading Rotations Reader’s Workshop Fundations Close Reads leading to Socratic Seminar Fluency and Comprehension
Science & Social Studies Civics: Responsible Citizens Have a Voice Environment: I will Survive Geography: People interacting with the environment Economics: Identifying choices, making decisions Weather: Today’s Weather… History: Communities Change Forces & Motion: Push Me, Pull You
Homework Independent reading for 20 minutes a night Recorded in the student planner Math Expressions Homework Math HW sent home on Tuesday and Thursday and returned by the following Monday Homework will reinforce what they did IN CLASS! (if not, please email your teacher!) Make-up homework handled on a case-by-case basis, see teacher
Communication Volunteers Planners Email preferred Friday folders Primary Store Field Trips Volunteers
Grading Policies and Assessment Standards based 4,3,2,1 scale 4: Exceeding Standard, Advanced 3: Meeting Standard, Meets Grade Level Expectations 2: Making Progress Toward Standard 1: Lacking Adequate Progress (√, *) Specific Skill Completion
1:1 Chromebooks Each student will use the same Chromebook all year Please talk with your student about the expectations we have gone over and expectation you have. If they misuse it or break it, how will they (you) replace it?
Additional Details Library Second Step Fields: Thursday Fairchild: Wednesday Second Step Social/ Emotional Learning (SEL) program that takes a holistic approach to help develop an empathetic community with a sense of safety and respect
The best way to reach us is via email Jenna.Fairchild@jeffco.k12.co.us Emerald.Fields@jeffco.k12.co.us Next best way: Leave a message in the office: 303/982-7610 Questions?