SCAR FOREST Strategic Working Group on Forests and Forestry Research and Innovation Workshop on international cooperation in research and innovation for the future European forest-based sector Brussels, 5 February 2019
Opening of the Workshop Welcome everybody for this SCAR FOREST/CASA Workshop on International cooperation in research and innovation for the future European forest-based sector The forest-based sector is essential worldwide and affected by major, increasing and quite different issues on biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate change, bioeconomy, illegal timber logging, deforestation, etc. Wood is a renewable, energy-efficient, natural resource with multiple properties: aesthetic, insulating, acoustic, mechanical, chemical... The forest-based sector (multiple owners, SMEs) and forest-related policies (biodiversity, agriculture, climate and energy, bioeconomy, sustainable development, forest) are fragmented.
Opening of the Workshop high relevance of a dedicated strategy. For decades, European partnerships have been developed with the EC support of research projets (Framework programmes, top-down approach) With EC and MS support : COST actions, ERA-Nets Still more important today with the multiplication and the intensification of challenges Contribution of the forest-based sector to major issues (biodiversity, bioeconomy, resilience...) The need for sectoral consistency
Opening of the Workshop Some questions What is the future of current cooperation activities? FP top-down projects COST and other concerted actions, ERA-Nets What are additional emerging issues? Societal well-being, interactions between ecosystem services, life-cycle assessments, economic viability, sustainability under uncertainty, opportunity to implement new technologies... What is the relevance of a broader scope in line with New York Declaration on Forests Paris Agreement on climate change Sustainable Development Goals?
Opening of the Workshop Program outline Opening from SCAR FOREST, CASA and EC First session on “Situation and needs about international cooperation on research and innovation in the forest-based sector” with speakers from FTP, ForestValue, Bio-East, UNECE/FAO, University of Freiburg… Coffee break and preparation of initial groups of the World Café Second session with messages from other participants Lunch break World Café in three groups How to rebound after recent and present activities? What emerging issues should be considered and how? How to broaden the scope of international cooperation? Conclusions from the World café, discussion and closing.
THANK YOU for your attention jean-luc.peyron(at) annabelle.amm(at)
Reminder on missions and objectives SCAR FOREST terms of reference run from 2016 to 30 June 2019 SCAR FOREST missions: to be a source of advice for a coherent and ambitious forest-based research and innovation area. to promote and strengthen transnational research and cooperation to meet the challenges of adaptation to and mitigation of climate changes, and of increasing sustainability and competitiveness of the EU's forest-based sector Specific objectives Promote forest-based system and value-chain approaches with consideration of other sectors Provide strategic intelligence by mapping national forest research and innovation capacities, policies, strategies Facilitate knowledge-based input to public debates Provide advice on research and innovation to the implementation of national forest policies and EU forest strategy